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Hampden Estate 8-Year rum

Hampden Estate 8-Year

Drunk_and_Irish avatar image LUKAŽIGA avatar image had this rum recently

Jamaica | Aged | Pot and Column Still

149 ratings
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149 Hampden Estate 8-Year Ratings

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jepoycat 🇵🇭 | 49 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

You can’t have Hampden without that funk and there are loads of that. Great House of course trumps this one but what makes this great is that it has the similar fermented fruit and pineapple notes but dangerously more drinkable in a much lower ABV.

Jura 🇨🇿 | 35 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Strong alcohol taste not recommended to girls. Kind of strong after first tasting, but we could get used to it.

RHUM FACTORY 🇫🇷 | 32 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

Imaginez, une vieille distillerie datant du XVIIIème siècle, avec un savoir-faire reconnu qui lui a permis de forger sa réputation et de séduire un certain nombre d’embouteilleurs, et qui un jour croise la route de Luca Gargano de l’Habitation Velier la mettant encore plus dans la lumière, il parait incompréhensible alors, qu’une telle distillerie ne produise ne serait-ce qu’une seule cuvée à son nom… Et pourtant ce fût le cas, pendant plus de 260 ans, avant de proposer son formidable « pure single rum » de 8 ans d’âge !

Son secret, est propre à l’élaboration des rhums jamaïcains et au « dunder ». Il s’agit des résidus de précédentes distillations. Cette mixture est mise à vieillir et dans laquelle on y jette fruits et bagasse. Les éléments organiques se décomposent, macèrent, et chargent en acides le fameux dunder, qui sera par la suite ajouté au moût en fermentation, le chargeant en arômes et acidité et autres bactéries. Tout ce cocktail aura une action directe sur la fermentation. Et la fermentation c’est la clé des arômes, elle dure entre 8 et 15 jours à l’aide de levures sauvages (pour nos agricoles on est entre 24 et 48 heures) puis 15 jours supplémentaires de repos dans la cuve pour développer les fameux esters (« élément chimique » responsables des arômes)

Le mélange est ensuite distillé dans le double retort pot still (alambic jamaïcain) en distillation discontinue. A noter que cette démarche est plus fastidieuse et assure un rendement moindre mais garantie une plus grande qualité aromatique. Ramené à 46° avec de l’eau de source et sans aucune modification ni ajout de sucre. Le rhum obtenu est ensuite vieilli pendant 8 ans sur place dans des ex fûts de bourbon.

Nez : équilibré et d’une puissance folle à tel point que ses effluves envahissent la pièce dès qu’il est servi dans un verre ! Un fruité très mûr, de l’amande de la gourmandise…

Bouche : épais et gourmand, fruité, confit et pâtissière, une note de frangipane ou de canelé bien caramélisé en retro-olfaction.

Finale : délicieusement longue et pâtissière avec une jolie note de frangipane.

JGiralt 🇺🇸 | 83 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

Strong notes of cane fibers and molasses. Try it in a pina colada!

vomi1011 🇩🇪 | 402 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

Got my hands on the standard range of Hampden. I prefer the more explosive high ester stuff because of the pineaple flavor.

This one gives you an idea of ​​what Hampden is but it keeps its high ester secret.
You get some esters there is no question about that. What you also get is the malt in the finish, it's sometimes missing in the DOKs because of the overhelmed pineapple flavor.
It's spicy like all Hampdens. It starts a little bit thin and with a sour note, then apples, citrus and some honey. There is also some vanilla and malt. The middle is more intensive and spicy, I get apples, some pineapple, spice, some tannins and honey. The finish is also spicy, citrus, pear/apple, honey, malt.

I would rate it higher, but it should be a little bit more complex and I would prefer more ester, it's not fruity enough for me, I'm missing the pineapple. I think the overproof version is better. It's not funky enough to be a great Hampden, but it's still good for the price.
I would rate it with 79 points.

Smell: light sweetness, some vanilla, fermented citrus and tropical fruits, grapes, ester, some caramel, apples
Taste: some sour notes, apple, vanilla, some malt
Middle: sour apple, some melon, spice, citrus, some tannins (wood), apples
Finish: middle long, dry, spicy with citrus, apple/pear, honey and malt

Sweetness: 1.5/5
Spice: 2.5/5
Fruits: 3/5
Mildness: 3/5
Intensity: 3.5/5
Value (50€): 2.5/5

Experiment: I added 1/4 of Kill Devil H Hampden. The blend became much more frutier, the pinapple from Kill Devil just exploaded. I wonder why they have't added just a hint of high ester Hampden to the blend.

florent 🇫🇷 | 2 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Not easy to approach. Let it rest some minutes in the glass. But after some long minutes, a fabulous rum for livers of heavy flavors. Very special. Very good for a good price.

AndReginald 🇮🇹 | 57 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

To all reviewers that gave this rum less than a 6, please give it a try and let it rest in your glass. If you do drink it right after you have poured it your nose will be overwhelmed by all those esters and you'll only experience solvent, and that is why I think you rate low this rum, and it is also the reason I couldn't rate this more than 8. If you do wait though you'll experience a true Jamaican rum, no sugar at all, nothing added, rum as it was made centuries ago. You can smell a lot of flowers and molasses, in your mouth you have a kick because of the 46 abv, it may be a little rough, not a smooth one, but this is not the rum you want to drink if you want to chill, this is the bottle you grab when you want something different, something stronger that kicks your senses. Long and persistent finish of molasses. A must try, just remember to take your time.

chasles22 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 84 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

it's got a nice nose, something sweet and earthy like brown sugar sweet potatoes. but not cloying. some nice barrel and molasses spice too. it's just the right amount of sweet on the tongue, is very smooth (almost wish it were maybe a little higher proof) but still has a nice tingle on the tongue. finishes nice too. pleasant lingering after taste. i would buy this bottle for home or for a friend who is a rum connoisseur to try something new. this bottle makes me want to try the overproof variation to get some of that burn this lacks.

Rasmus 🇩🇰 | 153 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

I got the opportunity to attend a rum tasting with Daniele Biondi from Velier were we tasted 9 different rums. This was the second rum of the night, that we tasted side-by-side with its overproof brother. While not overly funky, this was still a rum, that gave a taste of what Jamaica can.

Nose: Banana, pineapple, oak and some mineral notes combined with toasted nuts
Taste: Pineapple, spices, tar, citrus zest and a mineral aftertaste that lingers for some time
Overall: While this is not a big "funk"-bomb it still have some clear notes of Jamaica. It is a great rum for all, but could especially be the next stepping stone for people getting into Jamaican rum after starting out with something like Appleton 12.

Qui ntin Vincent 🇫🇷 | 21 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Un rhum d'excellente qualité, dont l'étiquette joue la transparence totale...
Les rhums jamaïcains ne laissent en général pas indifférents, surtout les "high esters" dont celui-ci fait partie: soit on adore, soit on déteste. Personnellement, j'adhère!!!

Au nez, on retrouve des notes phénoliques très marquées (limite une odeur de vernis!) ainsi que des fruits exotiques (très) mûrs (provenant du fameux dunder utilisé pour booster la fermentation probablement).
En bouche c'est corsé : les notes décelées au nez se confirment et explosent au palais!
La finale est assez longue, les arômes restent bien en bouche...

Un rhum jamaïcain typique et de qualité , mais pas forcément accessible à tout le monde...
Les débutants ou amateurs de rhums plus doux risquent d'être rebutés par les saveurs puissantes et surprenantes de cette bouteille.
Pour découvrir l'univers des rhums jamaïcains, mieux vaut peut être commencer par un Appleton estate 12 ans par exemple, dans lequel on retrouve aussi les saveurs si typiques à ce terroir, mais qui se montre beaucoup plus accessible et facile à boire!

Skegga 🇸🇪 | 32 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Frän sträv i smaken och en eftersmak av whiskey. Inte alls i min smak