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Quorhum 30-Year rum

Quorhum 30-Year

Dominican Republic | Aged | 40% ABV

Ron Quorhum 30-Year rum is distilled in pot-stills and aged using the solera system for up to 30 years. The rum is produced in the Dominican Republic by Oliver & Oliver.

376 ratings
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376 Quorhum 30-Year Ratings

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Niclas Carlman 🇸🇪 | 80 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

A bit like the 23 year one but sharper and a more serious nuttiness. Great rum

Drinkia 🇨🇿 | 398 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Příjemná klasika - dřevo, rozinky, dub, sušené ovoce + dalších pár složek a všechny hezky v rovnováze.

federicop74 🇬🇧 | 6 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

This Rum is really affordable and nice but nothing with a WOW effect. Lot's of sugar so it will accommodate many palates but I won't buy it again.

Matthias Lange 🇩🇪 | 29 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Smooth like crazy, but has a little bit of dust. Over aged omho.

Chito 🇧🇬 | 42 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

30 годишно бижу от Доминикана, хареса ми макар че очаквах повече заради цената му или градуса ми му е слабичък.стандартното 40

HHo 🇩🇰 | 46 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

Dette er en Rom, som er et must have i sit sortiment 👍

Treblajz 🇨🇿 | 25 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Dle hodnocení jsem měl asi přehnané očekávání. Dobrý rum, ale… Ne zas tolik.
Vůně: jemná, dřevo, květ bezu, rozinky
Chuť: jemná, med, květy, dřevo, karamel a vanilka.
Rum je dobrý, vyvážená chuť i aroma, ale…
Něco mi tam chybí.
Hodnocení: 8,2

Koldegaard 🇩🇰 | 7 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Awesome rum, stays in you mouth for a long time after, strong with a hint of orange and caramel. Definitely a sipper

Mrcabrera25 🇩🇴 | 27 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Flavorful and well-balanced rum. Easy to break down the taste as you get in tune with its exceptional smoothness.

Weiny 🇨🇿 | 60 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

A delicacy from Olivier, I really like his rums and this is a performance-to-price ratio that can be bought on the market. There is already too much alcohol for my wife, but it suits me, I will definitely try the cheaper 23y version.

Lahůdka od Oliviera, jeho rumy mám opravdu rád a tento je poměr výkon cena to nej, co lze na trhu pořídit. Na mou ženu je toho lihu již moc, ale mě to vyhovuje, určitě zkusím i levnější 23y verzi.

Florin 🇷🇴 | 78 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

RO: Acest rom are ce ii trebuie sa l pot considera de calitate si sa l pun foarte sus in lista si in preferintele mele.

mirosul nu este foarte persistent, dar nici nu se simte tarie in miros atingandu se de simturile olfactive doar o combinatie catifelata de condimente si cacao .

in gust stau in armonie cacaoa cu ceva vanilie si condimente din care pare sa se distinga cuisoarele iar alcoolul vine in valuri si parca danseaza pe limba si pe cerul gurii. desi cred ca are zahar adaugat este doar putin dulceag si nu strica cu nimic armonia , poate chiar contribuie.

romul are un postgust persistent care se stinge usor usor lasandu se sa se perceapa inca ceva condimente mica dulceata si cacao, e o senzatie ca o ciocolata neagra mai aromata care se topeste usor pe cerul gurii acompaniata de ceva tarie care se stimnge totusi mult mai repede si nu deranjeaza deloc pe gat in jos, aproape ca nu se mai simte .

un rom jovial , armonios ca un zambet in coltul gurii ce ti lasa senzatia si de ceva mister.

un rom de 30 de ani?? de varsta nu ma convinge desi poate ca de acolo vine armonia sa )

un rom bun dar cam scump, si parca prefer mai mult dictador -ul 20 acestuia si pentru ca e mult mai ieftin dar si pentru ca dictadorul nu are zahar adaugat. oricum nu regret deloc achizitia acestui rom. aduce zambet )


EN: This rum has what I need to consider it quality and to put it very high in my list and in my preferences.

the smell is not very persistent, but it does not feel to hawe strong alcohool in the smell, touching the olfactory senses only a velvety combination of spices and cocoa.

the taste is in harmony with cocoa and some vanilla and spices from which the cloves seem to stand out and the alcohol comes in waves and seems to dance on the tongue and the roof of the mouth. although I think it has some added sugar, it's just a little sweet and doesn't spoil the harmony at all, it can even contribute.

The rum has a persistent aftertaste that fades slightly in time, leaving a little more spicy sweetness and cocoa, a sensation like a more aromatic dark chocolate that melts easily on the palate accompanied by some alcohol that still fades much faster and it doesn't bother the neck down at all, it almost doesn't feel anymore.

a jovial rum, harmonious as a smile in the corner of your mouth that leaves you with the feeling of some mystery.

a 30 year old Rum ?? does not convince me of his age, although maybe that's where its harmony comes from )

a good rum but a bit expensive, and I prefer the dictator 20 more because it is much cheaper but also because the dictator has no added sugar. however, I do not regret the purchase of this rum at all. brings a smile)

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: Quorhum
Country: Dominican Republic
ABV: 40%
Years Aged: 30
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No
1. Luxurious Drinks