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El Dorado 21-Year rum

El Dorado 21-Year

Guyana | Aged

El Dorado 21 is produced near the equator in Guyana by Demerara distillery. The final product is a blend of rums, aged between 21 and 25 years and crafted using 100% locally sourced Demerara sugar. Traditional tools are used in the distilling processes including three unique wooden stills. The rums rest until maturity in 45 gallon oak casks.

441 ratings
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441 El Dorado 21-Year Ratings

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Mihai 🇷🇴 | 212 ratings
Posted 8 years ago

Woo.. Not from this planet.. Aromă puternică de butoi daaar... Nu deranjanta... Dulceag dar nu persistent.. Un rom desăvârșit din toate punctele de vedere.. Merge cu un trabuc premium.

Carl Saxmark 🇸🇪 | 114 ratings
Posted 9 years ago

This one was a disappointment.. The taste of oak trashed this one for me.. Strong taste of the rum but i´ll stick with the 15 years in my cabinet.

Allan Bjerreskov 🇩🇰 | 116 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

I had heard so much good about this rum, so my expectations were very high. It is indeed a quality sipper, but for me it just isn't up there with the best. I prefer more heavy and thick rums like the Abuelo Centuria.

Helena Tiare 🇸🇪 | 110 ratings
Posted 10 years ago

A more refined, mellow and complex version of the 12 and 15 combined sans the smokiness from the 15. Mixed fruits and spicy oak, dark chocolate, vanilla, coffee and a long fruity finish. Unfortunately, as with the 12 and 15 is has sugar added, and lots of it.... I hope DDL changes that and stop adding sweetener to their rums! not counting in the special cask varieties here because they are pure rums and the best DDL have made in the El Dorado range in my opinion.

DonRon 🇩🇪 | 14 ratings
Posted 10 years ago

A really nice, complex demerara rum. Though, pretty pricey compared to its younger brother totally worth it. For me a must have if you enjoy heavy dark rums and especially for those who liked the 12 or 15y El Dorado.

MMihran 🇨🇦 | 27 ratings
Posted over 11 years ago

For me, one of the best rum that I've tried!

Rjw 🇺🇸 | 2 ratings
Posted 24 days ago

Mellow, complex and not too sweet. This is the best rum I have had. Pricey, but worth it.

RumBeerQuests&Mead 🇬🇧 | 143 ratings
Posted 2 months ago

Nose is wood and vinuous with a hint of tobacco. Hint of spice. Taste is smooth toffee, caramel banananananas, stewed fruit, little warmth on the sides of the tongue. aftertaste kinda abrupt but with a lingering warmth

Shaman 🇭🇺 | 24 ratings
Posted 7 months ago

Nekem ez már túl száraz, jérge öntve még durvább. Aki a száraz rumokat szereti, annak nagyon ajánlom!

AndReginald 🇮🇹 | 57 ratings
Posted 8 months ago

In a good way. I was afraid they ruined it with too much sugar, but they did not and it is a pleasant sipper. Not worth the price maybe, but can't deny this one an 8.

Rumrun11 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 125 ratings
Posted 9 months ago

The 21 seems to have a heavier taste than the 15 and is a little more complex but for me the sweetness is not doing it any favors as I think it takes away from what could be a truly fantastic rum. I like it but I sure am glad I did not spend the $$$$ on a bottle and instead had a large glass at the KB Pub in Longyearbyen, Norway. Sorry for poor photo but the pub is fashioned after a coal mine and is quite dark. On top of that I had a few rums so that might not have helped either

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: El Dorado
Country: Guyana
Years Aged: 21
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

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