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Westerhall Plantation rum

Westerhall Plantation

Grenada | Gold

20 ratings
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20 Westerhall Plantation Ratings

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mamajuana 🇺🇸 | 148 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

This rum is very flavorful and blended well. Fruit on the nose, with lots of spice and some citrus flavors going on. Very smooth overall and easy sipper with a nice kick. Batch number 21308. Blue wax over real cork top. Wax smelled like pine trees and smoke.

mistercoughy 🇺🇸 | 239 ratings
Posted 8 years ago

I like this rum. The aromas of freshly baked pound cake and vanilla cream are tempered by fairly strong, but not unpleasant, alcohol overtones. The cake comes through in the tasting along with pepper, vanilla and honey. Very nice. Deceptively light in color and body, but there's a lot going on here.

Kieron wood 🇬🇧 | 621 ratings
Posted 7 years ago

This is not a great rum but is still drinkable. It's a raw rum with nothing flavour wise added. Still has a decent body but just doesn't rock my world I'm afraid ..

Beukeboom 🇺🇸 | 304 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

One comment before I offer my opinions on the rum. I like bottles with wax seals. Gives the bottle an "old school" appeal. But apparently my bottle got a double-dose of navy blue wax making it pretty difficult to open. However when I got it open, I smelled the opening to see what lay in store. It smelled more of plastic but I quickly concluded that aroma was from the double-dose of wax seal rather than the rum itself. Even in a glass the aroma was very subtle...almost nonexistent. This rum was recommended to me by the clerk in the Port St. Joe, Florida liquor store. He said this rum was the only thing the owner of the store drank and so I purchased a bottle since they didn't have the brand of rum I was looking for. This rum is about as golden in color as one can find. Definitely an initial sweetness in flavor followed quickly by some spiciness then the burn...a long, slow burn (it's 43% ABV). Interestingly enough once the burn finally faded I noticed a woodiness to the flavor I presume is from the oak barrels in which it is aged. I can see why the owner of the liquor store likes this so much. Although not my favorite, I feel this is an excellent rum which happens to be extremely versatile. Makes for a good sipping rum as well as a mixer. It definitely adds a good flavor to Coke Zero.

Bill Rogers 🇺🇸 | 33 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

Great go-to rum for those quiet times. Smooth body, wide profile that will always please.

steve 🇺🇸 | 1 rating
Posted over 9 years ago

This is one of my favorite light bodied rums. On a hot summer day love to pour a glass and add a few cubes. Find it very smooth and has a wide flavor profile. Pick up motes of toffee, caramel, banana and then a hint of cocoa bean on the back palate,

Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 253 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

It’s always hit or miss when one buys a bottle of rum at a hole in the wall liquor store that doesn’t look to sell a lot of rum. This one was a miss. Started with the cork residue on the bottle neck and went from there to the taste. Nothing unpleasant. Just nothing really good either. At least there wasn’t much of an afterburn, and not too much cork ended up in my glass. Perhaps a higher rating if the experience was a better one.

Goudje 🇳🇱 | 1 rating
Posted over 2 years ago

Nice and smooth. First zip. Perfect. I love the after taste

The Lone Caner 🇨🇦 | 5 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

This rum, issued at a relatively sedate 43% ABV, dates from the early 2000s, and is therefore from Angostura stocks only: aside from some batch variation, there’s little to distinguish it taste-wise from either earlier or later rums, and consistency has been maintained quite well. The nose is probably the best thing about it: thin, yet quite distinct (always a plus with me), redolent of brine and olives, and set off by a crisp, light, fruity aspect. Behind it lurk notes of paint, acetones, nail polish, and a nice blend of tart-sour fruits like five-finger, star-apple, gooseberries and green mangoes, with just enough sweet to mitigate the lip puckering. It does become somewhat lighter and sweeter as it opens up, and there’s even a trace of sugar water at the tail end.

Palate is nice, just uneventful - much of the nose is lost in the light easiness of the way it tastes and “watery” is not a word that would be out of place here. There are traces of peaches, apricots, bananas and green peas(!!), and some of the brininess and olives carry over; also dates and some very light citrus and vinegar-like hints, not enough to derail the experience. It retains the light sweet crispness that the nose promises, and if the finish was kind of brief - warm, dry, salty with a touch of fruits and sweet soya - well, you know what, as a whole the rum kind of works, and is not a disappointment.

What it does is actually remind me somewhat of the Whisper Antigua rum, also an unpretentious rum aged a few years. Perhaps that’s because it doesn’t try too hard to be some kind of uber-sexy blend from a world famous distillery backed up by a snazzy marketing campaign sporting a celebrity (from within or without the rumworld) to raise awareness. It’s just a decent light five year old. (81 points)

Sinsipper 🇺🇸 | 1 rating
Posted over 5 years ago

I was at the ancient structure the rum is made in about thirty years ago. An amazing place to see. You walked into the past when I was there. It was small, intimate and very basic. A true artisan rum. I have bottles that are from that time. The rum is a true sipper. If you don’t rinse the glass the next day it has a nose of pure butter scotch.

Mark 🇨🇦 | 59 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

With it's pale golden colour, this rum looks more like a Chardonnay wine than a rum. The blue waxed bottle top gives this rum great packaging. Opening the bottle, the rum had only a very faint alcohol citrus scent... Sipping it straight was possible, although it provided little flavour and was accompanied by a slow burn. Easy to drink with an ice cube and some coconut water. This rum tasted like no other rum I've tried, although I can't say that I would recommend it.

Brand Details

Type: Gold
Company: Westerhall
Country: Grenada
Name: Plantation
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

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