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Hamilton False Idol 151 rum

Hamilton False Idol 151

Multiple | Light

3 ratings
That's some good stuff

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3 Hamilton False Idol 151 Ratings

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piratejabez 🇺🇸 | 321 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

75.5% ABV. 85% Guyanese, 15% Jamaican (Worthy Park). Very tasty. All the goodness and nearly all the heft of the original but with just a bit of Jamaican funk and complexity. I regret that I just re-upped on the standard 151, and missed an opportunity to grab this one :). As always, Ed nails it. 8-

JAHinojos 🇺🇸 | 28 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

I have been using the Hamilton Demerara 151, but decided to try the False Idol as it is a blend with a little Jamaican rum (which I love). It does have a little of the Jamaican taste, but it is much, much smoother than the Demerara. I only bought this as it was the only Hamilton 151 the store had on hand, but I think I have found a new favorite. It is still strong, and will knock you socks off, but nice smooth taste.

mdkempfert 🇺🇸 | 46 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Another winner from Hamilton. This one is what I've come to expect from this bottler, a high-quality project through-and-through. I tasted this alongside its sibling (Hamilton 151) and have experimented with it in a number of mixed drinks so far.

It's quite smooth for a 151 rum (a little bit smoother than it's sibling), and has an ever-so subtle funk to it, courtesy of the 15% of its makeup that comes from Worthy Park in Jamaica.

My only hangup with this rum is that it feels that it doesn't really have a purpose. Alongside Hamilton 151, it's not really that much different, as I suspect the 85% of the makeup is virtually identical. I'm not going to sip this one straight, which means it's on hand to be a mixer, but when used as a mixer, it's almost always in combination with other rums, where I tend to throw a Jamaican in there, rendering the small portion of it that adds a bit of funk somewhat redundant.

So, while it's a great product, like everything else that Hamilton makes, it's slightly outclassed by its own sibling & I just don't see this one being repurchased when I run out.

Brand Details

Type: Light
Company: Hamilton
Country: Multiple
Name: False Idol 151
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No