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Diplomatico Mantuano rum

Diplomatico Mantuano

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Venezuela | Aged | 40% ABV

374 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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374 Diplomatico Mantuano Ratings

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dany 🇫🇷 | 30 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

nez caramel vanille doux et léger
caramel sucré faussement sec et faussement sirupeux
bon rhum a 30€

Kenneth 🇬🇧 | 69 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

This is like a younger sibling of Diplomático Reserva Exclusiva. The same flavours are there, but not nearly so deep and strong. Now for many, and myself included, this could be a good thing, I find DRE to be a lovely drink, but OTT in sugar and flavourings, the odd nip is nice to experience but more than that it is cloying and a tad sickly.
Mantuano, however, is lighter in taste, but to my palette, has way too strong an alcohol/chemical burn and taste.
If Diplomatico made a rum somewhere in between the 2 it might just be near perfect.

jamesshaffer 🇺🇸 | 40 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

I really enjoy this rum. I look forward to trying others from this distiller. As always, I prefer my rum over ice with a healthy splash of Coke.

Don 🇨🇦 | 166 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

This pours a rich mahogany colour and has a wonderful nose. Diplomatico rums have always suited my taste, so I was hesitant when they replaced the Reserva with Mantuano. The Reserva made a better rum and coke ,but the Mantuano is a bit smoother ,making a better sipper. Not as sweet as DER but just as good.

Martin Kennedy 🇦🇺 | 238 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

Overall a perfectly acceptable offering. Reasonably priced , a lot less sugar than D.R.E. and a nice mixer , cocktail rum and at a push , a sipper ! Spicey , not the best spices but the caramel , toffee and raisin flavours keep it in check. Nothing to disappoint.

Roubrt 🇨🇿 | 11 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

You can buy it almost in every little shop here, so if there is nothing better, you buy it. It's also cheaper than Reserva. But there is a reason why it's cheaper. The alcoholic smell and taste is too much for me.

Thrimor 🇳🇴 | 4 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

This was my first Diplomatico, and my first truly sweet rum. Good rum, very smooth with a notable sweetness. Good enough for sipping, but I prefer dryer rums. Still a good score for excellent value. Looking forward to tasting the reserva exclusiva.

roberto.azores 🇵🇹 | 50 ratings
Posted 5 years ago

I like Reserva Exclusiva, but Mantuano proved to be a good option.
The distillate has quality, and has less sugar than Reserva Exclusiva.
Simple flavor, but cheap for the quality it has.
I recommend.

Edward Martens 🇨🇦 | 30 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

Medium amber colour. Notes of vanilla with background of subtle roasted oak. Good enough to sip neat.

jjimmy 🇸🇰 | 23 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

Rum na kazdodenne pitie. Nie je taky sladky a chut je velmi vyvazena.

Miroslav 🇸🇰 | 58 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

Chuť a potenciál Exclusiva by tam bol, trčí liehovosť a mladší vek ale cena k výkonu je viac ako slušná.

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: Diplomatico
Country: Venezuela
ABV: 40%
Name: Mantuano
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

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