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El Dorado 12-Year rum

El Dorado 12-Year

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Guyana | Aged | 40% ABV | Pot and Column Still

El Dorado 12-Year Rum is composed of a blend of aged rums, all at least 12 years old. The rums are distilled using a combination of stills including coffey stills and a double wooden pot still before being aged in bourbon oak casks.

Demerara Distillers of Guyana produces El Dorado 12-year rum and is the country's last remaining distillery, with origins tracing back to 1670. The name ""El Dorado"" references the legendary city of gold that is said to be in the country's Rupununi region.

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1401 El Dorado 12-Year Ratings

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James Young 🇬🇧 | 21 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

For this price you can't get a better rum although the step up to the 15 is well worth the extra few quid. Rich molasses and smoothness of a typical el dorado. This has minimal burn, flavor isn't overly complex but holds its own against more expensive rums. This was the first bottle of "proper" sipping rum I tried so might be a touch of nostalgia in this review

Gino 🇳🇱 | 6 ratings
Posted 2 months ago

This smooth dark rum has an excellent deep oak flavour, that lasts. Wonderful balanced. A pleasure to drink

cheboola 🇸🇮 | 41 ratings
Posted 2 months ago

While not something super special, it is definitely worth the price tag. Decent rum for sipping, and very good for mixing.

Administrator 🇸🇰 | 30 ratings
Posted 4 months ago

I have overlooked this rum for long time just because of red color of the cartoon box. However, high score on RumRatings (7.6 and 1382 reviews at the time) convicted me to give it try.
Cartoon box is really solid and nice. Decent bottle with the cork. And here comes the surprise after opening the bottle, immediate spread of sweet fruity sugarcane aroma. Overwhelming! Beautiful!
However, the taste lags behind the aroma a little. Yes, there is the same sweetness but there is too much of tannin, especially in aftertaste, which goes over this sweetness. Dry finish. But plenty of people like it. I would expect more of balance between the aroma and the taste. Nevertheless, this is great piece in my deposit.
I am not disappointed.

Pfk981 🇺🇸 | 2 ratings
Posted 4 months ago

This is the first rum I have enjoyed on rocks or neat.

ReMan 🇷🇺 | 8 ratings
Posted 5 months ago

Тип рома: выдержанный
Страна происхождения: Гайана
Дистиллерия и боттлер: Dimond Distillery(Demerara Distillers Ltd)
Сырьё: меласса
Оборудование для дистилляции: combination of stills including coffey stills and a double wooden pot still
Бочки: Bourbon barrels
Выдержка: от 12ти лет
Добавленный сахар: <3
Краситель: есть
Крепость: 40%
Объём: 700 мл
Дата розлива: 23.05.2022

Нос. Апельсиновый и абрикосовый джем, красный мандарин, немного лакокраски, кокос, ваниль, корица, жёлтый изюм, засушенный манго, папайя, забродившие ягоды, кожа, кофейные зёрна. Очень фруктовый и по-хорошему тяжеловесный, насыщенный.
Во вкусе взрыв из печёных фруктов и ягод, солёной карамели, ванили, корицы, кокосов, ореховой нуги, кофе с молоком, гвоздики, шоколада. Вкус сбалансированный по сахару с небольшой кислинкой и горечью специй, но без спиртового удара - настоящий вкус хорошего выдержанного рома с обилием всяких полутонов и нюансов.
Послевкусие средней продолжительности. Слегка суховатое. В нём продолжают играть тропические фрукты, ваниль, карамель и специи.
Резюме. Отличный вкусный выдержанный ром с комплексной органолептикой, предназначенный прежде всего для употребления в чистом виде, по вполне вменяемой цене. Рекомендую!

DamanDan 🇨🇦 | 4 ratings
Posted 1 year ago

My failsafe bottle of choice! It is the cheapest one in my cabinet, and I prefer it or regard it as an equal to most of the rest.

mwb1 🇬🇧 | 9 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

I base my reviews on what I previously purchased, this is a nice rum but not so sweet. I would say it scores slightly less than zacapa solero 23 and the average score of 7.6 I'd about where I would put it.

Deno666 🇸🇰 | 15 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

El Dorado 12-year is probably one of the best sipping rums I know. Perfectly balanced with a slight kick and delicious notes. Would recommend this one to anyone.

Benjamin S. 🇩🇰 | 17 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Can be used as a sipper or in more premium cocktails.

Marek1212 🇬🇧 | 7 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Love the vintage bottle, very Smokey smell with amazing taste! My best rum so far

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: El Dorado
Country: Guyana
ABV: 40%
Years Aged: 12
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Pot and Column Still
Women Led: No

Professional Reviews

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4. RumRatings
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6. Chips Liquor
7. The Whisky Exchange
8. The Drink Shop
9. Total Wine