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Botran Solera Reserva 15-Year rum

Botran Solera Reserva 15-Year

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Guatemala | Aged | 40% ABV

199 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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199 Botran Solera Reserva 15-Year Ratings

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taz.c 🇫🇷 | 86 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

mais pas trop sucré!!!
du coup, vraiment agréable car on apprécie la force du rhum et le plaisir des aromes vanillés, caramel... sans l'excès de sucre.
a tester... vous aimerez!!!

Travis 🇺🇸 | 14 ratings
Posted 7 years ago

Less Carmel than the Solera but I enjoyed savoring it and it was less sticky alcohol than the Solera. Pairs well w/light seafood.

paaf 🇨🇿 | 49 ratings
Posted 7 years ago

Pretty alcoholic taste, harder rum, but if sipping for longer time, can get used to it.

Golfm 🇩🇰 | 154 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Not exceptionnel rum but good price.
Rum with spices and cofee aromas.

Dennis E Vang 🇩🇰 | 89 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Mild rom, sød smag. Vanilje, orange, lidt tobak. Bliver bedre med tiden.

Jan Aas 🇳🇴 | 2 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Sweet nose with vanilla and sugar. Round and smooth with taste of vanilla and spices

Brice 🇫🇷 | 9 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Ce rhum puissant et boisé ravira les amateurs de rhum de caractère.

Rene Rum (PREMIUM) 🇨🇭 | 547 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Dieser Ron bietet viel für sein Geld.
In der Nase und Gaumen eine schöne süsse, Vanille und Karamell.
Der Ausklang könnte länger sein (wie immer).
Bevorzuge Ihn dem Solera 1893.

This Ron offers plenty for his money.
In the nose and palate a nice sweet, vanilla and caramel.
The ending could be longer (as always).
Prefer him to Solera 1893.

Finch 🇩🇪 | 16 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

First it starts sweet with the smell of honey and sugar then this one gets tough with the taste of tobacco , spice and wood. Those who like cigars will certainly love it. I dont.

Mo McGurk 🇺🇸 | 270 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Tried it years ago and only scored it a 4. Time and more rums under my belt raises the rating. A touch of vanilla helps too.

Jonathan 🇧🇪 | 32 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

De fles straalt een zekere klasse en degelijkheid uit. De diepbruine kleur zorgt voor een smakelijk uitzicht en ook de geur was niet verkeerd. Het eerste smaakmomentje is aangenaam zoet, zonder echt te overheersen, de nasmaak is echter toch wat stevig, houterig en sterk.

Best oké, maar moeilijk te plaatsen...

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: Botran
Country: Guatemala
ABV: 40%
Name: Solera Reserva 15-Year
Years Aged: 15
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No
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