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Plantation Pineapple Stiggin's Fancy rum

Plantation Pineapple Stiggin's Fancy

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Multiple | Flavored | 40% ABV

496 ratings
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496 Plantation Pineapple Stiggin's Fancy Ratings

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BigChief17 🇺🇸 | 53 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

This is how rum does pineapple.

The Nose gives you pineapple with molasses singing back-up. As far as the palate... re-read the nose description.

Can be sipped, but instead make an outstanding piña colada that will make you legend among your friends.

Paul B 🇺🇸 | 474 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

I finally got my hands on this $30 flavored rum. Don't even think of trying this one neat, since it is rather disgusting. Adding ice does little to improve it. However, it just begs to reinvent the Pina Colada. My first try at this was equal parts Plantation Pineapple, Plantation 3-star (blanco), and Coco Lopez. This made a good Pina Colada over ice, but I went one step further. Try mixing equal parts Plantation Pineapple with chilled Coco Lopez with no ice at all for a 20% ABV Pina Colada. This last combo worked best for me, but I won't be buying this one again.

There are several articles on the back that can be read with a magnifying glass. I really appreciate the research into bringing this very unique rum back for us to try, but I can also see why it fell out of fashion. One of the articles also shows how the Reverend Stiggins who favored this rum was not a really nice guy.

Axel 🇩🇪 | 90 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Wer es gerne geschmacklich etwas anders mag, der soll ihn trinken. Ich bleib bei meinem originalen Rum Geschmack.

Rob 🇺🇸 | 50 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

The flavor is what I expected. The pinnaple is there but light. Its not overloaded like some spiced rums. The problem with this rum is that the base spirit taste young and sharp. The concept for this rum is good, I just wish it was aged longer. You can do better for the money.

Steve 🇨🇦 | 10 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Came across this Rum while in Seattle @ Bario restaurant.

Darryl Van den broeck 🇧🇪 | 1 rating
Posted over 6 years ago

Beautiful dark color and one of my favorites from the plantation line. Fruity smooth taste, u can really smell the pineapple essential oil. I think its also very good in cocktails, but i’m more of a sipping person.

JellyJortikka 🇫🇮 | 74 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

This rum has interesting history, i recommend to read about it, cocktail historian David Wondrich was involved in developing and recovering this lost recipe from two hundred years ago so what could go wrong?
The rum is made by infusing Queen victoria pineapples in plantation original dark rum for 3 months and also macerating pineapple rind in rum to extract essential oils from the pineapple. Then the macerated mixture is distilled and then blended with the pineapple infused original dark.
The pineapple taste is natural and fresh and sweet and its in good balance to the rum, not too overpowering as in many other flavoured rums.
You can still taste the profile of the
dark rum. But i have to say the rum base, which is very standard trini mixing rum is nothing special or interesting on the flavour department, but it's all about prefererence because the rum is very inoffensive flavor wise, it lifts up the pineapple even more.
Is bit sweet, probably sugared but it actually compliments the flavor profile of this rum.
Great mixer, is bit lost in heavily flavoured drinks tho.
Imo makes the best cuba libre i have ever tasted.

Vlado 🇸🇰 | 51 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Prírodne aromatizovaný rum tmavozlatej farby s vôňou po tropickom ovocí, najmä ananásov, ktoré boli po dobu 3 mesiacov macerované v Plantation Dark rume, následne ešte raz vypálený. Vo vôni cítiť prezreté ananásy, banány a aj nejaké citrusy. Veľmi pekná, sladkastá vôňa. V chuti je tiež cítiť ananás, banány, vanilku a náznak rumových praliniek. Je o triedu lepší ako Tiki Lovers Pineapple (45%), ktorý sa vyrába rovnakým spôsobom, ale je podstatne viac dosladený a tiež aj viac aromatizovaný. Plantation Pineapple je kvalitný ananásový rum, ktorý sa dá piť na ľade, alebo pridať do prémiového rumového drinku, napr. Dark 'n Stormy so zázvorovým Ale. Môžem len odporučiť.

filovo 🇨🇿 | 516 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

urcite jedna z dalsich oblibenych variant plantation. s ovocnejsi chutí, ale stejne jemny jako ostatní platntaion.

Don 🇨🇦 | 166 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

I am not a fan of flavoured rum but the good rating on this intrigued me. Alcohol or start but a nice smell of pineapple comes through in 15mins. Nice taste of charred wood and burnt sugar like a good dark rum with pineapple. A bit of harsh burn but able to be sipped must try next in a mixed cocktail.

Mr.Cow 🇨🇿 | 27 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Musím říct, že jsem nechtěl moc ochutnávat. Špatná zkušenost s ananasovým rumem od jiné společnosti. Nechal jsem se přemluvit a ochutnal. Mám ho doma v baru :-) je fakt jiný a moc povedený. Žádné cukrbliky a kudrlinky nečekejte. Je to rum pro velké kluky s lehkým závanem ananasu. Je dobrý a chutný.

Brand Details

Type: Flavored
Company: Plantation
Country: Multiple
ABV: 40%
Name: Pineapple Stiggin's Fancy
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

Professional Reviews

1. RumRatings