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Marty 🇺🇸 | 102 ratings Author
When you edit/revise a previous rating, do you generally increase or decrease your original number? I have found I generally decrease. Just curious.
Ramon 🇺🇸 | 85 ratings
I generally increase, maybe the flavor changes after it gets a little air or after the initial shock of a new flavour it goes down smoother. Like the first time is an awkward first date, and the second time around expectations change. It's usually only a 6 to a 7 maybe a 7 to an 8. 9s for me need consistency and 10s are hard to come by. If I buy a second bottle it's usually a 9 or 10.
Karol 🇵🇱 | 8 ratings
Decrease, it's normal i guess, like Rob said
Rob 🇮🇪 | 92 ratings
I mostly decrease too as I try more/better rums I realised I over-rated some rums.