Norlan Glass - hype?

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Devan avatar image
Devan 🇳🇿 | 10 ratings Author
Just received my Norlan double walled drinking pair today...and gotta say I have probably been their most sceptical customer for the past year. Right off the front, I am glad I was wrong. This glass does everything it claims. I have always been a fan of the glencairn nosing glass for tasting but for tasting and nosing and all round coolness the Norlan tops it all. If you have this glass what are your thoughts?
Taster avatar image
Taster 🇨🇭 | 141 ratings
When it comes to glasses I prefer my small tumbler. Compared to any nosing/sniffer (tulip) glasses, i‘ve noticed that the tumbler points out more of the wooden notes of a rum, while a sniffer glass brings more of the ‚spirit’ notes of a rum to the nose.
Capn Jimbo's Rum Project 🇺🇸 | 1 rating
It seems that every year or so we see crowd funded projects that are often based on psuedo-science, with alleged "scientific breakthroughs". Thus we have seen fast aging schemes, fast finishing objets, and several intergalactic tasting glasses. Let's face it - most ordinary drinkers of spirits are not good tasters in the first place, and no magic glass is going to help much. In truth this is just a horribly expensive version of a tulip or glencairn shape at quadruple the price. For those who are interested in learning the real facts about glasses, the four or five basic classes of shapes, techniques, and what the favorite glasses of well known taster prefer: Note: this article is not for the faint of heart, but it is very complete. After you finish that and want to know just how to taste: Again, not for those with limited attention spans. I can say the glasses most suitable for all around rum/whisky/bourbon tasting, the sherry copita, and the small apple can't be beat.
Andy avatar image
Andy (PREMIUM) 🇬🇧 | 143 ratings
I haven't tried it personally, but the photos online make it looks AWESOME! If a few folks like it on this thread I'll likely be 'forced' to get one :)