


Specialist | Member since 2020 | United States

2 Ratings | 1 Like | 1 Followers

Rum taster, rum drinker, rum lover. Scoring: I'm not going to claim the kind of palate that some here do, but I like what I like. For my own need for consistency, and by my own preference here are my guidelines. Color - darker the better, but a disqualifier if the rum has too much additives to sweeten or artificially color (0-2) Volatility - somewhere between 'burns like gasoline' and 'very smooth' (0-4) Legs - how does it hold up in the glass? Is it thin and runny on the glass or does it move slowly? (0-1) Complexity - different experiences on the palate before, during and after sip. The more subtle, varying and long lasting, the better (0-3) Finally a drinking recommendation (neat, rocks, cocktail, etc) I hope you also enjoy the experience of tasting many kinds of rum, and if you don't agree with my score, take another sip until you do!

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