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Plantation Original Dark Double Aged Trinidad & Jamaica rum

Plantation Original Dark Double Aged Trinidad & Jamaica

Multiple | Aged | 40% ABV

292 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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292 Plantation Original Dark Double Aged Trinidad & Jamaica Ratings

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Szczupak 🇵🇱 | 22 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

One of cheapest Plantation's emissary. And suprisingly one of the very good ones. Beautiful bottle with content description. In nose very fruity , notes of caramel, tobacco - contains all of perfect rums should have. Much worse on the tongue , a bit too harsh , not sure if recommendable for sips, but perfectly for mixers. Definatelly I would buy again. (for drinks)

CJ1999 🇬🇧 | 95 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Description-fruity smell. A little paint stripper ish smell but underlying beauty and smooth. Not too flavourful neat. Really flat and bitter. The flavour isn’t there. It needs something much better with it to complete it and give it that extra opmh. Drinking by itself it’s a no. Even with full fat coke it’s a no.

gregorpobezin 🇸🇮 | 2 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

This is a great buy: affordable (but not cheap) and tasty. Bit exactly a great sipper, very aromatic. To me (not exactly an experienced drinker) it hints most strongly towards raisins.

Mark Halse (PREMIUM) 🇦🇺 | 43 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

I wasn't expecting much but was very surprised, lovely full flavour. Either mixed or sipped this is a very nice rum

Comeau68 🇨🇦 | 15 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

This one was a gift from a friend and it does not disappoint. It is average a sipping rum but will be a staple as a mixer in my cabinet. This is one I can feel confident will deliver great rum taste when mixing for friends or myself.

Christophrr29 🇺🇸 | 13 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

This was good, not my favorite from Barbados. A little darker than I normally go to, but good none the less. Funky banana flavors are typical of Plantation rums.

Craiglee 🇳🇱 | 97 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Bit disappointed with this one. Plantation rums are some of my favourites, not so in this particular case. Paid €26 and I hate to say it, but I'd rather have bought a cheaper dark rum like Captain Morgan Jamaican and saved a tenner.

Michal Ernest 🇨🇿 | 269 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Tento rum jsem si zakoupil na vyzkoušení, poté co jsem vánočním darem dostal degustační set od firmy Plantation. Ve vůni je zřetelně cítit pomeranč, ovšem ne tak intenzivně jako v rumu Pyrat, s něčím dalším, co nemohu úplně jasně definovat, možná hořká čokoláda, ale nejsem si úplně jist. Také není tak sladký a to je možná to co mi zatím moc nechutná, ačkoliv mám rád i jiné rumy, které nejsou sladké vůbec. Uvidíme až jej budu ochutnávat znovu, třeba si k němu najdu cestu. Prozatím mi až tak moc nechutná a i po několika malých doušcích mi silně připomíná nedobrý český Božkov Tuzemák, jen malinko voňavější.

Bluegoose 🇳🇿 | 9 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

My weekly go to rum. I prefer this rum for dark and stormy. Great ester flavors. Quality Drop For the price

Dusterbrown 🇨🇦 | 11 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Not too strong, smooth. Lots of flavor after. Overall nice

Rum Funk 🇸🇬 | 10 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

I should open her sometime in January, I guess January start early.
Very smooth, dont mix her. Accept her the way she is.
No regret!

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: Plantation
Country: Multiple
ABV: 40%
Name: Original Dark Double Aged Trinidad & Jamaica
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No
1. Chips Liquor