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Bumbu Original rum

Bumbu Original

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Barbados | Aged | 40% ABV

873 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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873 Bumbu Original Ratings

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Vlado 🇸🇰 | 51 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Fľaša, ktorá zaujme hneď na prvý pohľad stála nejakých 40€, čo za takýto typ rumu nie je najmenej. Dobrý marketingový nápad, pripomína to nejakých pirátov a pod. Farba pekná, zlato - hnedá až jantárová, po naliatí cítiť veľké množstvo korenín. Toto je naozaj korenistý rum, jemne nasladlý, citíť exotické ovocie s citrusovým pozadím. Na môj vkus je to priveľmi korenisté (to som ozaj nečakal=) čo ale zistíte, až keď ochutnáte. Údajne najstaršie rumy v zmesi majú 15 rokov, to by mohlo vysvetlovať cenu tohto rumu. Inak to nie je zlý rum, z korenistých je určite svojim spôsobom jedinečný, ale podľa mňa nie ako ukážková vzorka stáreného rumu. Po degustácii sme ho s priateľmi vyliali do mixéru s baileys a banánmi, toto bola paráda, tam Bumbu exceloval. Skôr by som ho odporučil do koktailov ako na samotné popíjanie.

Anthony C 🇺🇸 | 236 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

I actually really dislike this rum. It's one of the only rums I refuse to drink. It's just bad.

Ace freestyle 🇺🇸 | 39 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

This rum is what got me hooked on rum. It gets a lot of hate for being fake but I personally love the sweetness and extra added flavors. I don’t drink it nearly as often as I used to as my pallet has grown more refined, but I still always have a bottle on the shelf and enjoy it whenever I drink it.

cinee12 🇷🇴 | 1 rating
Posted over 2 years ago

For me, it had a note of coffee flavour in it.
It may have been just the fact that it's sweeter than a regular rum that makes it have a hint of coffee flavour, but it's still an amazing rum to sip.

Wyro 🇺🇸 | 1 rating
Posted almost 3 years ago

I agree with FranzPattison, don’t know why Bumbu original is not rated higher. I get all the comments about banana and doesn’t taste like a traditional rum, but why do all rums need to taste the same? Bumbu is a great sipping rum, no need to mix or water it down. It is the smoothest rum I have tried. I personally love the taste and would highly recommend it to anyone.

And yes, it does go great in a banana daiquiri. ;-)

Mirjamvdbg 🇳🇱 | 29 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

Tijdens welpenkamp hinde winkel toch een flesje rum gehaald. Het liefst in piratenstijl. We mochten zelfs even proeven en de werthers smaak vind ik ook.

Vitaly 🇧🇪 | 5 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

I like the rum a lot it is perfect to mix wit coke and tho drink on a sunny day

Kruza 🇨🇿 | 5 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

Pokud mate radi sladké rumy bude vám Bumbu chutnat, chuť karamelu, vanilky, kořeni. Není to rum kterého by jste vypili láhev za večer, ale jako “zákusek” velmi slušný rum.

Pacorro 🇪🇸 | 107 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

No sé bien lo que me ha extrañado más, el olor es muy afrutado, pero sin que sea a ninguna fruta en concreto, en boca muy suave por algo los 35 grados y tonos afrutados al principio luego sale el alcohol....bastante alcohol dándole un regusto alcohólico, para mi desagradable, desde luego no es muy añejo, según la ley actual solo rones jóvenes pueden tener menos de 40.....la mayoría lo dejan en 38 y este se va a solo 35, no se de dónde le viene la fama, por eso el aprobado, igual combinandolo mejora.....yo no creo que repita el precio fue sobre 18€, hay otros que me gustan más y más baratos.

CK 🇺🇸 | 38 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

This may be a "rum" people like and would probably make a good mixer for certain fruity and blended cocktails, but this is not my thing. Imagine a banana, vanilla Laffy taffy with more sugar and a waxy mouthfeel and thats all you need to know about how this tastes. I did not care for it at all. Not a rum to me on any level, especially not a 15 year aged rum as described. It's a really bad liquor posing as a rum.

Slee 🇺🇸 | 6 ratings
Posted 3 years ago

Affordable rum. Bought at meijer on sale for 25
Carmel. Soft banana

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: Bumbu
Country: Barbados
ABV: 40%
Name: Original
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

Professional Reviews

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2. RumRatings
3. Total Wine