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Bumbu Original rum

Bumbu Original

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Barbados | Aged | 40% ABV

874 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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874 Bumbu Original Ratings

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Vlado 🇸🇰 | 51 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Fľaša, ktorá zaujme hneď na prvý pohľad stála nejakých 40€, čo za takýto typ rumu nie je najmenej. Dobrý marketingový nápad, pripomína to nejakých pirátov a pod. Farba pekná, zlato - hnedá až jantárová, po naliatí cítiť veľké množstvo korenín. Toto je naozaj korenistý rum, jemne nasladlý, citíť exotické ovocie s citrusovým pozadím. Na môj vkus je to priveľmi korenisté (to som ozaj nečakal=) čo ale zistíte, až keď ochutnáte. Údajne najstaršie rumy v zmesi majú 15 rokov, to by mohlo vysvetlovať cenu tohto rumu. Inak to nie je zlý rum, z korenistých je určite svojim spôsobom jedinečný, ale podľa mňa nie ako ukážková vzorka stáreného rumu. Po degustácii sme ho s priateľmi vyliali do mixéru s baileys a banánmi, toto bola paráda, tam Bumbu exceloval. Skôr by som ho odporučil do koktailov ako na samotné popíjanie.

rondaley 🇨🇦 | 2 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

My favourite rum so far. Sweet, thick, and smooth taste.

JJ777 🇵🇱 | 5 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

The rum is a little bit too sweet to be considered a sipping rum. But as a dessert why not. Need to fix a coctail with it next time

Matthias217 🇳🇱 | 6 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

A very light, smooth rum. Something that you drink easily, with nothing distinct about it. Better for mixing than drinking neat

Krejca 🇨🇿 | 43 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

The Bumbu Original is quite unique. It seems to have developed a love or hate relationship, and I understand that. Although I'm not sure which side I lean towards.
I have to say that I like the design of the bottle, which is very distinctive. The only thing I would change is to make the glass a bit milky, and not just plain clear glass. Anyways, back to the rum...
The smell is quite pleasant, but not all that powerful. The most pronounced is overripe banana, which plays the main role in this rum. There is nothing sharp in the smell, mild sweetness, some vanilla too.
When you taste the Bumbu, the bananas hit you like a trainwreck. There are loads of sweetness, and again, nothing sharp, very smooth. There is little alcohol burn, which was quite surprising. There is also some avocado in the back.
I am not really sure how to rate this one. The taste is quite unique but the banana flavor is almost artificial, which makes drinking more than one glass quite difficult. I'll have to taste this one again for sure. For now, it is somewhere between 5 and 7.

dajana 🇱🇹 | 81 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Sweet, creamy taste and smell of baking, creamy caramel, eclair with creamy fruit filling. There is no alcohol content in the aroma at all, the sip is oily and rounded. But it tastes young alcohols, lack of balance and excess sugar.

Сладкий, кремовый вкус и запах выпечки, сливочной карамели, эклера со сливочно-фруктовой начинкой. В аромате совсем нет спиртуозности, глоток маслянистый и округлый. Но на вкус чувствуется молодые спирты, недостаток баланса и избыток сахара.

Brody 🇨🇿 | 106 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Too sweet, tutti frutti.. taste of cinamon, bananas, fruits, coconut, chocolate...

Weiny 🇨🇿 | 60 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

I tried this rum for my first unexpected tasting at a workshop at the end of 2021, and I took an empty bottle home and sniffed for a long time. I've ignored rumy so far, and that's where it started. It's mania and in the end I collect rums or watches like before ... We already have the 3rd bottle of Bumba at home and even though I grew out of it, I won't forget it, I have had dreams about that banana for a long time :-) However, it is too artificial and scented and I actually stopped tasting.

Tento rum jsem zkusil na své první nečekané degustaci na workshopu koncem roku 2021 a prázdnou láhev jsem si vezl domů a dlouho k ní čichal. Rumy jsem dosud ignoroval a tímhle to vlastně začalo. Je z toho mánie a sbírám to jako dřív nože, či hodinky... Bumbu už máme doma 3. láhev a i když jsem z něj vyrostl, nezapomenu na něj, o tom banánu se mi dlouho zdálo :-) Nicméně je příliš umělý a navoňaný a už mi vlastně přestal chutnat.

N3OCarter 🇩🇪 | 67 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

... even though I wanted to try it. It is a bit similar to Don Papa, but less sweet and even a little tart. So somewhat better than expected, it's enjoyable, but not great.

Marnellp 🇺🇸 | 6 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Got it as a gift. Worse than I feared. It's sweet and spiced. I'm not sure if this is rum or a bottled Bumbo (antique mixed drink).

I'm sure people whole like fireball or peanut butter whiskey will love this. I do not.

ZDrKondler 🇨🇿 | 30 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Too sweet, too much banana, too little rum...and lots of annoying vanilla.

Brand Details

Type: Aged
Company: Bumbu
Country: Barbados
ABV: 40%
Name: Original
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

Professional Reviews

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2. RumRatings
3. Total Wine