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Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold rum

Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold

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Puerto Rico | Spiced

558 ratings
Flawed with a glimmer of hope

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558 Captain Morgan Original Spiced Gold Ratings

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MarioRonson 🇵🇪 | 38 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

El peor ron que tome en mi vida, jarabe de vainilla y alcohol.

Freek Lambrechts 🇧🇪 | 40 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

Chemical, too sweet and sugar flavour. Not even good enough as a mixer

Dagot 🇷🇺 | 12 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

Prepare your brain for russian english:
Unmatured spirit is generously dressed with vanilla and a little more other spices. Other spices are added apparently to make it possible to write "Spiced". In fact, it's must be called "Vanilled". Sugary aroma as a whole is not bad and pleasant, but it's senseless to drink, only vanilla and alcohol feel. Watery.
The official site says that the distillate is aged in oak barrels, on the bottle it is written - unmatured distillates. The company itself does not know what it is selling. Something is brought from Jamaica (I hope that from there, I hope that it's still rum, although who knows), fill with vanilla, add dye and sell under the guise of a drink based on rum. Purely marketing is a cheap product for youth parties with cocktails, when you need a cheap and sweet product. Well, women like it. For lovers of Spiced rum and classic rum do not recommend.

Невыдержанный ром щедро заправленный ванилью и еще немного других специй. Другие специи добавленны видимо для того чтобы можно было написать Spiced. По хорошему надо писать Vanilled. Слащавый аромат в целом неплох и приятен, но пить его бессмысленно, чуствуется только ваниль и спирт. Водянистый.
На сайте написано что дистиллят выдерживается в дубовых бочках, на бутылке написано - невыдержанные дистиляты. Компания сама не знает что продает. Что-то привозят с Ямайки (надеюсь что оттуда, надеюсь что это все же ром, хотя кто знает), заправляют ванилью, добавляют краситель и продают под видом напитка на основе рома. Чисто маркетинговый дешевый продукт для молодежных вечеринок с коктейлями, когда нужно подешевле и послаще. Ну и женщинам нравится. Любителям Spiced рома и рома вообще не рекомендую.

Angel 🇲🇽 | 6 ratings
Posted 6 years ago

It's ok as a mixer. This is the first rum that almost everybody tries, including me, because is cheap and famous. Alone it tastes kind of awful, but as a mixer with coke is fine. A lot of artificial vanilla taste and smell.

Alan 🇺🇸 | 89 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

This is the type of product that gives rum a bad name. It's distilled to a neutral grain spirit and then has artificial coloring and flavoring put back in. If your favorite beverage calls for spiced rum, you're better off using a higher quality straight rum, a splash of Pimento dram and a dash of Angostura bitters. You'll get a much better flavor than Captain Morgan.

Alejo 🇦🇷 | 29 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

This cant be called rum. Pure vanilla taste, lack of spirit aroma and pure bullshit. Dont even consider buying this bottle. Total rip off.

Mati 🇵🇱 | 15 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Taste very good in evry drinks, especially mixed with lime.

Greg 🇧🇪 | 23 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Excellent à l'apéro pour qui aime le goût un peu vanillé, coca/glaçons

TomasM 🇨🇿 | 78 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

If you want to drink rum, drink rum, not cheap mass produced spirit with flavours.

Krobbe13 🇸🇪 | 112 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Inte det bästa jag druckit, men inte heller det sämsta. Passar nog bra med Cola.

Dan-Fix 🇸🇪 | 113 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

There are so much more and better rums out there compared to this. Nose: alcohol and vanilla. Taste: vanilla and punsch

Brand Details

Type: Spiced
Company: Captain Morgan
Country: Puerto Rico
Name: Original Spiced Gold
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

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