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Wray & Nephew White Overproof rum

Wray & Nephew White Overproof

Jamaica | Light | 63% ABV | Pot and Column Still

252 ratings
Tasty, but not quite great

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252 Wray & Nephew White Overproof Ratings

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Lisa πŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ͺ | 7 ratings
Posted 5 years ago

Wow, i tried this one in Jamaica the first time and it knocked me, literally. Super super aromatic and it feels like drinking a flower bomb in a nice way.

Pudley πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ | 13 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

If you fancy trying something akin to paint stripper this is your bag.

Raven πŸ‡«πŸ‡· | 56 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

I'll stick with the Rum Bar Overproof from Worthy Park !

Rene Rum (PREMIUM) πŸ‡¨πŸ‡­ | 547 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Kristall klar im Glas.
Welch ein Duft in der Nase und nicht nur dort. Der "Funk" breitet sich im ganzen Raum aus. Überreife tropische Früchte wie Banane, Ananas, Pomelo, Mangostane und noch mehr werden auf einem mit Gras und frisch geschnittenem Zuckerrohr geflochtenem Kârbchen dargereicht.
Am Gaumen fruchtig und mit seinen doch starken 63% Vol. sehr mild und weich. In Karamell getunkte, gebratene Fruchtspiesse aus tropischen FrΓΌchten mit ZitrusfrΓΌchten garniert und einem heftigen Schuss Funk lassen die Geschmacksknospen vor Freude tanzen.
Im Abgang klingt das Ganze noch lange nach.
Ein toller weisser Rum fΓΌr die Freunde von Jamaica Funk. Ich werde ihn mit Fruchtsaft oder Root Beer ausprobieren.

Crystal clear in the glass.
What a fragrance in the nose and not only there. The "funk" spreads throughout the room. Overripe tropical fruits like banana, pineapple, pomelo, mangosteen and more are presented on a basket woven with grass and freshly cut sugar cane.
Fruity on the palate and very mild and smooth with its yet strong 63% by volume. Roasted fruit skewers of tropical fruits dipped in caramel, garnished with citrus and a heavy shot of funk make the taste buds dance with joy.
On the finish, the whole thing resonates for a long time.
A great white rum for the friends of Jamaica Funk. I will try it with fruit juice or root beer.

Foggyrumrunner πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ | 50 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Not much to add that hasn’t already been said. On the nose I get bananas mixed with cinnamon but with a little water, those super funky esters go pungent, like a mix of swamp water, soy sauce, and sesame seeds. It’s pretty fascinating! The palate is different than the nose: floral, something like Juicy Fruit gum, and and a faint spearmint note - lovely! This is always going to be a polarizing rum - the amount of funk will attract or repel, depending on the person. It’s never gone to be a typical sipper for me but it has great character. A classic.

CaptainGreen (PREMIUM) πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ | 95 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

Aye, it took a few whiffs to get past the overwhelming smell alcohol, but once I got there, I found a bit of fruit, a bit of oak, a bit of sweet, and a bit of spice. Powerful smell. Avast! I can smell colors now! She smells like she be sweet on the tongue, but no. Not at first. This wench be complex when it comes to taste, and it takes more than one sip to find anythin'. Spices first, then burned sugar, then banana and fruits, then just as she starts getting sweet and friendly, she leaves with all your loot and nothin' but the taste of iodine in your mouth and an burn that never lets go. Just like me ex-wife. Aye, you could spend time sippin' this, and after a few, you probably wouldn't care, but I wouldn't recommend it. Nobody has that much loot. arrgh!!!

felix31x πŸ‡¨πŸ‡± | 35 ratings
Posted almost 4 years ago

Let's be honest, nobody drinks it for the taste. It does its job

Andrewofcalgary πŸ‡¨πŸ‡¦ | 284 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

Drink with plenty of mix and hold your nose. Also works as a disenfectant.

FURBZ πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ | 12 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Had a lot of overproof rum in my life. This one was undrinkable though. May as well have been drinking White spirits or lighter fluid. Avoid.

Greendanasaur πŸ‡¬πŸ‡§ | 6 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Knock ya socks off, but a staple of any rum bartenders arsenal. Taste is rather unique with a bit of banana flavour in there somewhere

jancewicz πŸ‡΅πŸ‡± | 33 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

First sip was like WTF? Very odd but some force makes you want more. The most funkiest rum I have ever tried. Too strong to sip straight but excellenet with a bit of water. Funky, fruity, grassy but funk is definitely on the top. It's not for all but I'll try to have it always present in my cabinet. Recommended.

Brand Details

Type: Light
Company: Wray & Nephew
Country: Jamaica
ABV: 63%
Name: White Overproof
Raw Material: Molasses
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Pot and Column Still
Women Led: No

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