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Clarkes Court Rhythm Coconut rum

Clarkes Court Rhythm Coconut

Grenada | Flavored | 30% ABV

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Glowball Piece 🇺🇸 | 2 ratings
Posted 2 months ago

Mud Devils, Revelers, Whiners, Short Knees, and Merry Makers alike can all agree, this is the rum to be the life of the party and make a party out of life. The rhythm of rum and celebrating life is bottled up in this island dream.
After drinking this amazing coconut flavored rum... I'm somewhat ruined, as nothing quite compares. Not only does the Clarkes Court label offer outstandingly delicious rum, this coconut flavored delicacy is truly something special.
Rum is made from sugar cane production run offs, so it's meant to be sweet. However, unlike other coconut rums that have an overly syrupy type of sweetness, the Rhythm Rum has a fresh and more real coconut flavor. Grenada is "The Spice Island" so they're known for uniquely flavorful cocktails. Although it's fantastic straight, any blends with lime and a dash of nutmeg, will bring out the Caribbean charm. Somehow sipping this rum captures the essence of the Carnaval spirit, it was named appropriately so. You can almost taste the Spice Island's nutmeg wind, warm ocean, sandy beaches, music, dancing, costumes, and sunshine right in the rum. So be careful, all the "rum devils" will definitely be after your rum. Better off just joining them, than trying to beat them. This rum is meant to be danced to and enjoyed as part of the grand celebrations of life.
This is by far, my favorite rum I've ever had. Truly a tragedy that it's not available in the USA, and must be changed. Worth traveling to Grenada just for the Rhythm Rum!

Brand Details

Type: Flavored
Company: Clarkes Court
Country: Grenada
Name: Rhythm Coconut
ABV: 30%
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No