
Ron Zacapa Centenario 15 rum

Ron Zacapa Centenario 15

Guatemala | Aged | 40% ABV

Ron Zacapa Centario 15 is blended in a solera system using rums aged between 6 and 23 years. It is distilled in Guatemala and distributed by Diageo.

90 ratings
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90 Ron Zacapa Centenario 15 Ratings

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Grand Master Jay 🇬🇧 | 80 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

We have vanilla, raisins and honey smells and it taste of vanilla and oak very much in line with what you smell. It is not as sweet or as thick as the 23 but it is a nice rum.

If you're starting a collection it is worth owning as it will complete a nice Zacapa range but it is not as smooth or as sophisticated as the XO it is a rugged rum I think many rum drinkers who like a rugged rum will like this.

Per 🇩🇰 | 45 ratings
Posted 8 years ago

This rum is not as Good as other Zacapa Rums. It's okay but not more than that.

Kieron wood 🇬🇧 | 621 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

Good rum but struggles with depth start date zacapa rum that's oversweet ... Too much suger

Hans-Durstig 🇬🇧 | 62 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

15 year Solera - it's a blend where the oldest rum used is 15, average probably 6-7 years.
Unmistakably the same stable.
Glass: Amber colour, moderate aroma
Nose: Caramel, dried fruit
Mouth: Sharper than the older brother, but in a good way - better balance for the sweetness. Pleasant dried fruit and caramel.
Burn: Initial sharpness mellows - a very nice rum

I can see how some rate this higher than the 23, but that is a matter of taste.

Mihai 🇷🇴 | 212 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Primul rom din familia Zacapa pe care il degust - aromat, usor dulceag cu un aftertaste echilibrat.

Tomy 🇷🇴 | 439 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Not so fabulous as it seems. It is a balanced rum with a strong alcohol aftertaste.
It has the typical guatemala notes, with a spicy sharpness. pineapple, lemongrass. Too much sweetness.

Andre 🇨🇭 | 36 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Guter Einsteigerrum, süss und relativ mild, Schokolade, Vanille, Karamell und ein wenig Nuss, zwischendurch ein wenig würzig und scharf. Guter Rum, lässt aber noch viel luft noch oben.

Nicoakr 🇫🇷 | 115 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Great nose, smooth in mouth. Caramel, vanilla, light café that make for very nice, easy to drink and affordable drink. Lack a bit of ending in my opinion. Still a distance to the Solera 23 and of course very far from the XO.

Rum-Schnacker 🇩🇪 | 131 ratings
Posted almost 9 years ago

this rum isnt produced anymore. it has the typical guatemala notes, with a spicy sharpness. pineapple, lemongrass. too much sweetness.

Bill Rogers 🇺🇸 | 33 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

As I said this is a staple in my rum collection. Easy to find, good price and a good around sipper.

HunterRomario 🇨🇿 | 396 ratings
Posted almost 10 years ago

Alkohol: 40 %
Původ: Guatemala
Aroma: Kůže, dřevo, trocha živočišných vůní, lehce nasládlá. (84 b)
Chuť: Uhlazená, nasládlá, kořenitá, skořicová. V dozvuku do ostra, závěr je kořenitě hřejivý. (86 b)
Body: 85
Shrnutí: Ochutnán během degustačního večera s Millem v mladoboleslavské hospodě Neuberk, jejíž majitel má širokou nabídku rumů.
Celkem jsem ochutnali 5 různých rumů z pestrého seznamu, který jsme měli k dispozici.
Všechny rumy jsem hodnotil, ovšem je možné, že kvůli rušivým vlivům v hospodě, jako kouř, se může později bodování lišit i více, než je běžné u větších vzorků nebo celých lahví, přechutnávaných doma.

Brand Details

Name: Centenario 15
ABV: 40%
Company: Ron Zacapa
Country: Guatemala
Type: Aged
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No