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Costa Rica | Aged | 40% ABV
Ron Centenario 20-Year rum is produced from Costa Rican sugar cane which is turned into molasses before aging in American white oak barrels up to 20 years using the solera aging system.
The company producing Ron Centenario 20-Year rum used to be named Seagram de Costa Rica, but in 2002 changed its name to Centenario Internacional. The rum wasn't sold outside of Costa Rica until 2007.
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this is the rum that made me realize rum is so much more than drink mixer. Lots of taste and nose
I prefer sweet Rum , and this one is a good choice,less sweet as the A.H.Riise Family .
Nose: sweet ,chocolate, caramel , dark fruits , vanilla,spicy
Taste: sweet ,chocolate, caramel , dark fruits , vanilla, light alcoholic,light sharp, wood,spicy
Toto je veľmi podarený kúsok rumu. Je pekne zabalaný v elegantnej fľaši s hrubým dnom. Rum Centenario 20 Fundación je v mojej top 10 rumov. Má peknú svetlo jantárovú farbu. Veľmi mu pristane, keď ho po naliatí do pohára necháte chvíľku odpočinúť, rum zjemnie a zaguľatí sa. Aróma rumu je veľmi pestrá, prvý krát som cítil banány, pražené orechy, neskôr karamel, sladké medové plásty a čokoládu s tabakom mierne v pozadí. Veľmi pekná komplexná vôňa, takto sa mi to páči. Chuťové vnemy kopírujú tie aromatické, rum je rozhodne z tých sladších, čo mu skôr pristane. Cítiť opäť karamel, plásty, tropické ovocie a niekde v pozadí troška korenia s jemným nádychom po dubovom sude. Je to skutočne dobrý rum a určite ho každému môžem len odporučiť. Okrem iného tento rum už získal nespočetné množstvo ocenení na svetovej úrovni.
Nice dark colors. Smells chocolate, caramel and vanilla.
Taste is sweetish, chocolate, caramel,vanilla.
One of the best on my shelf. I'll stick to this one.
I am admittedly a beginner in the rum world, but this is by far the best rum I've ever had. I've sampled a few rums at bars, etc. but have only recently started buying bottles for my home. I don't think this bottle is going to last very long, as I will surely go through it quickly. It's so good, I almost hate to drink it by myself.
I normally enjoy rum on the rocks but could easily see myself drinking this straight up. Has absolutely no burn or bite and goes down very smoothly. Some rums have a good flavor once you can get past the initial sharpness, but this is smooth from start to finish. I can't imagine what the 25 or 30 year tastes like. I assume my mind would be blow if I tried one of those.
Smooth, full of flavor and nice texture! A great sipping rum and well worth the price.
The Centenario Solera 20 comes from Costa Rica and it is a Solera Blend, which simply means that the oldest processed rum was allowed to store for 20 years. It does not mention the actual proportion of older rums. The red brownish rum is in a chic bottle and everything looks high quality and should represent premium quality. Negatively, about 40-50g of sugar per litre have been added to the rum. Of course, this has little to do with real premium.
In the nose, the rum has very sweet notes that are recognizable. Caramel and toffee. Some fruity or woody notes are perceptible. In the mouth it is mainly sweet. Vanilla and caramel mix with an indefinable sweetness that probably comes from sugar. The rum is still surprisingly sharp. And this despite the fact that a lot of sugar was added. The finish remains sweet with light alcohol touch. You can hardly taste the barrel and that's a pity when a 20 is on the label. Overall, it is not a bad rum and you can drink it on a convivial evening. If the bottle is empty, it is at least no loss.
I admit I was a fan of the Centenario as a newcomer too and he fascinated me and i started drinking more rum. I thought the heavy sweetness makes him high quality. Over time, I've learned that the Centenario is a classic pretender. Lots of added sugar and a Solera 20 are meant to convey premium character. It seems to work fine for that company since I start finding the Centenario 20 in the local supermarket.
The Centenario Solera 20 kommt aus Costa Rica und ist ein Solera Blend, was einfach ausgedrückt bedeutet, das der älteste verarbeitete Rum 20 Jahre lagern durfte. Wie hoch der Anteil der älteren Rums tatsächlich ist, wird dabei nicht erwähnt. Der rot bräunliche Rum ist in einer schicken Flasche und alles wirkt hochwertig und soll Premium Qualität darstellen. Negativ zu erwähnen ist das dem Rum ca. 40-50g Zucker pro Liter zugefügt wurden. Das hat natürlich wenig mit Premium zu tun.
In der Nase ist der Rum kaum scharf. Es sind sehr süße Noten erkennbar. Karamel und Toffee. Fruchtige und holzige Noten sind kaum wahrnehmbar. Wirkt aber alles angenehm leicht. Im Mund ist er vor allem süß. Vanille und Karamell vermischen sich mit einer undefinierbaren Süße die wohl vom Zucker stammt. Der Rum ist noch überraschend scharf. Und das obwohl viel Zucker mit beigefügt wurde. Der Abgang bleibt süß mit leichter Alkohol Note. Das Fass kommt irgendwie kaum bis gar nicht zur Geltung was Schade ist wenn eine 20 drauf steht. Insgesamt ist es kein schlechter Rum und man kann ihn an einem geselligen Abend trinken. Ist die Flasche leer ist es zumindestens kein Verlust.
Ich gebe zu auch ich war als Neuling ein Fan vom Centenario und er hat mich für das Rum trinken fasziniert. Auch ich dachte die viele Süße macht ihn hochwertig. Mit der Zeit habe ich gelernt das der Centenario ein klassischer Blender ist. Viel Zucker und eine Solera 20 sollen Premium Charakter vermitteln. Es scheint zu funktionieren da ich den Centenario 20 mittlerweile auch im örtlichen Supermarkt finde.
If you like sweeter rums this is probably one of the best for the price. Have not tried the 25 or 30 but I don’t know if they would be worth the extra cost. I usually enjoy my sipping rums neat, but this one is also great with a single ice cube. It mellows the intense sweetness some, and lightens the syrupy mouthfeel.
Meiner Meinung nach ein überraschend schwacher Rum mit zu wenig Geschmack und zuviel Zucker.
In my opinion, a surprisingly weak rum with too little flavor and too much sugar.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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I REALLY like the Centenario 25 and 30, and so I tried this side by side with them. It was VERY close. This is a bit sweeter, much like the El Dorado 15 is sweeter than the El Dorado 21. I like the extra aging on the 25 and 30, but I also like the sweetness of the 20. I'm torn between the three. It's very close, but this is the winner for me. An exceptional rum that is very underrated in my opinion.