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Schönes Honiggelb im Glas.
In der Nase zart und lieblich. Mit viel Liebe getoastetes und mit Karamell übergossenen Holz das vorher mit Apfelschalen eingerieben wurde. Weisse Früchte, gelbe Blumen und frisch gepresstes Zuckerrohr betören dich vollends. Die Insel ruft !
Am Gaumen geschmeidig, elegant und harmonisch. Leicht gebranntes Karamell mit Bourbon Vanilleschoten veredelt, tropische Früchte ganz leicht kandiert liegen in einem aus Zuckerrohrblätter geflochtenem Korb. Der Ruf der Insel wird lauter !
Im Abgang bleiben Karamell und Vanille sehr lange, Früchte und Holz bleiben auch für länger. Du musst auf die Insel !
Ein fantastischer Agricole, der für sein junges Alter überzeugt, Für Einsteiger und Geniesser.
- 4cl Muster -
Beautiful honey yellow in the glass.
In the nose delicate and sweet. Wood toasted with love and doused with caramel previously rubbed with apple peel. White fruits, yellow flowers and freshly pressed sugar cane fully beguile you. The island is calling !
Smooth, elegant and harmonious on the palate. Lightly burnt caramel refined with bourbon vanilla beans, tropical fruits very lightly candied lie in a basket woven from sugar cane leaves. The call of the island becomes louder !
In the finish, caramel and vanilla remain very long, fruit and wood also remain for longer. You must go to the island !
A fantastic Agricole that convinces for its young age, For beginners and connoisseurs.
- 4cl sample -
Time for Birka’s rumcruise 2019 at the Baltic Sea. This one was included at Ian Burrell’s “Blindtaste” Master class. It was quite easy to get it right, cause it was the only Agricole included. I think it’s quite alike the XO but with a little less of everything. So it’s maybe an even better Agricole to start with if you want to start a tour in the Agricole world.
Picture: The rums included at the blindtest.
My first crack at RHUM JM. Very strong smoke taste that grows on you quite quickly. A lot of rooms are close in flavor but this one is distinctly different. Like it or not, you will definitely remember it.
This is a very unique and interesting rum that is unlike any I've tried before.
Smells and tastes of charred oak and spice (pepper, clove, and cinnamon). Maybe a hint of black cherry. Has a nice bite at 43%abv and would pair well with a cigar.
It seems like a pretty good spirit, but I prefer a little more sweetness. This is dry, almost bourbon like.
A decent tasting rum for sure for people who prefer a bit less sweetness in their rum.
I bought the last two bottles sitting in Total Wine for 40 bucks a piece. I wasn't expecting much. This a very underrated rum in my opinion. The first sip was wonderful. Cigar notes hit me right off the bat. Lots of interesting flavors in between. Smell reminds me of a euro brandy like grappa. Very interesting sipper. Way better than most for this price.
Gennemsnitlig agricole. Jeg bruger den mest til cocktail. men kan sagtens sippes, jeg er dog mere til Clement
VSOP at 4 years might be generous. It isn't bad, it just isn't great. It has a smoky, spicy undertone and more bite than smoothness. It is probably over priced as a sipper and too expensive for a mixer. I have definitely had better at this price point. Dooley's 13 year at have the price is twice the rum.
This reminds me of fresh mowed grass on a Sunday morning if that grass with lined with fresh granny smith apples and I'm sitting in a woody church attic with the neighbor girl.
I pour a glencairn of this every weekend.
I sometimes will use it to flavor my mai tai recipe with something agricoley and oaky.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Most of the agricole rums I've tried have been from Clement and I have liked them all to varying degrees. I even managed to snag a bottle of Rhum JM Gold which I liked rather well (rated it an "8").
So I had rather high expectations for the Rhum JM VSOP.
First thing is that apparently at some point they redesigned the label on the bottle. The bottle above used by RumRatings has an older label which has an old world charm to it with the artwork and hand lettering. Looking at it reminds me of the era of Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec and his poster art of the late 19th century. The current label all but eliminates that impression. The art on the earlier label had a more ornate and interesting portrayal of what I assume to be a distillery of some historic point. The lettering was made to look as if it were done by hand (and it very well could have been so). The colors had an artistic feel in of themselves.
The newer label lost all that charm in my opinion. The lettering is all mechanical (even the cursive). The artwork is much plainer. And the colors have no depth at all. It is less appealing.
Now off my art critic soapbox. Let's look at the rum itself. It is a deep amber color with a hint of bronze. It has nice legs and beads of the rum cling to the sides after settling from a swirl in my snifter. It has a recognizable agricole aroma but nothing harsh.
The flavor does have that grassiness and funk normally associated with agricole rums but this rums seems spicier. A definite pepperiness. And strong. Really strong. There is just a hint...and I mean minute hint of cane juice sweetness but this is a dry rum. Also it has a rather strong and lengthy burn. It is a slightly higher proof than most rums (43% ABV - 86 proof) but the burn is one I would expect from 95 proof or higher. The finish is dry as I would expect. However there is a flavor in the mix that I cannot quite identify. It is a flavor that I find odd and out-of-place. Sort of a kerosene type of flavor. I don't like it whatever it is. It's very pronounced on my palate drinking it straight however on the plus side it does seem to be lessened when used in Coke Zero. Just be careful not to overdo it on the rum. About an ounce-and-a-half for a 500ml (16.9 fl oz) bottle of Coke Zero seems to work best for me. I also think it would work well in citrus-based drinks. I haven't had the opportunity to try some. The downside is the price. At $50 USD a bottle (I've seen it as high as $60 USD online) it is a pricy rum. Frankly I don't think it's worth it. It's far too harsh to be a sipping rum and the strong flavoring limits it as a mixer.
I had higher expectations for this rum and was disappointed. I feel the Rhum JM Gold is much better as agricole rums go. There are comparable agricole rums that are less expensive and better than the Rhum JM VSOP.