
Rhum JM Blanc 55 rum

Rhum JM Blanc 55

Martinique | Agricole | 55% ABV | Column Still (1-4)

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5 Rhum JM Blanc 55 Ratings

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Stefan Persson (PREMIUM) 🇸🇪 | 531 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

Bought 1 liter of this one together with a bunch of other rums on my way down to Spain a week ago.
It works very well neat. Tested it also in a White ‘N’ Stormy, then it was OK but not great.
In nose it’s flowery, floral and fruity.
In mouth, at the palate and during the rather long finish I can feel the aromas as tastes but I also recognize tropical fruits as mango and papaya. Further on I recognized sugarcane, banana and citrus such as lime and especially grapefruit.
Overall a great Agricole Blanc, but I’m not sure which one of the 50 or 55 ones are the best, needs to taste them side by side to judge.
Picture: My opened bottle and a poured glass down in Spain & Some of my J.M’s back home.

Gran Matteo 🇺🇸 | 18 ratings
Posted 11 months ago

Dry, vegetal, grassy, floral, a hint of sweetness, and a little extra punch. I am a fan, and the higher content at 55% is a great way to introduce non rum drinkers to a ti 'punch. Not as refined as others, but it doesn't need to be. Will I drink it neat anyways? Yes!

Update: As I get down towards the end of the bottle, I have to push this to an 8. It's a good one. From what I know about other brands, there are better unaged Agricoles out there, and giving this an 8 will push the others to near perfection.

mdkempfert 🇺🇸 | 46 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Tasted this one alongside one of its main competitors when my bottle ran out and I “shifted” to this one.

It’s a good rum. I’ll mix with it until the bottle runs out. It’s not bad by any means.

But it’s strictly inferior to the bottle it was replacing. The grassy notes are not as prominent and there’s slightly more of an alcohol flavor.

SerenityFF 🇺🇸 | 50 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Tasted at a Rhum JM event in 4/2023. It was my favorite of the 7 rhums we tried.Floral, grassy, with a slight initial sharpness. A fine mixer but I enjoyed it neat too.

Michael Huff 🇺🇸 | 100 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

Smells like an Agricole and tastes like alcohol. Had an ounce taster at SC.

Brand Details

Name: Blanc 55
ABV: 55%
Company: Rhum JM
Country: Martinique
Type: Agricole
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Column Still (1-4)
Women Led: No