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Martinique | Agricole | 40.7% ABV | Column Still (1-4)
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A real rhum agricole. A little bit spicy. A little bit bitterness. Interesting at the end.
Je vais être peu clément avec ce rhum vieux agricole, rond en bouche et parfum doux malheureusement il manque un peu de caractère pour le retour en bouche. Peut mieux faire pour une bouteille à ce prix là. On attend plus pour un Clément.
40.9% ABV. A bit of astringency and cherry. Same on the palate. Quite a bite compared to the Blanc. Make a Daiquiri with the later and a Ti punch with this one. 7+, but score certainly could increase were I ever to be able to revisit it.
Nice gold colour. The nose is very vegetal on sugar cane and exotic fruits. It's greedy, round. A more pleasant element than the classics Clement. On the palate, a nice frank attack always on the exotic fruits to arrive on the vanilla and the nuts. Nice final meduim long on the woody and spices like pepper and nutmeg and also citrus. It's a nice rum.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Schönes helles Bernstein mit Kupfer Reflektionen im Glas.
In der Nase elegant und lecker, Karamell, Holz und Gewürze.
Im Gaumen typisch agricole Aromen schmeicheln Deine Zunge, Gras und Blumen aber auch Holz, Karamell und Lakritze fehlen nicht.
Im Abgang schön lang, das Karamell klingt lange nach.
Ein wirklich toller Agricole für Liebhaber dieses Styl.
G+R F LU19
Beautiful bright amber with copper reflections in the glass.
In the nose elegant and tasty, caramel, wood and spices.
In the palate typical agricole aromas flatter your tongue, grass and flowers but also wood, caramel and liquorice are not missing.
The finish is nice and long, the caramel lingers for a long time.
A really great Agricole for lovers of this style.
G+R F LU19