
Plantation 2009 Trinidad White Pineau des Charentes Cask rum

Plantation 2009 Trinidad White Pineau des Charentes Cask

Multiple | Aged

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9 Plantation 2009 Trinidad White Pineau des Charentes Cask Ratings

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Isegal 🇩🇪 | 77 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

An other fruity plantation, i personally like this plantations they all tast different but for me very good.

Tomy 🇷🇴 | 439 ratings
Posted almost 6 years ago

Delicious rum from Trinidad which, like a lot world-travellers, spent some time in France. Unlike other globe-trotters, who probably spent their time in France looking at pretty pictures in the Louvre, this single cask rum spent it being finished in White Pineau des Charentes Cask.

JGold 🇺🇸 | 11 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Really nice! Grows on you for sure. Nice transition if you’ve also been dabbling in some whiskey varieties as you go back to a nice sipping rum. Good price point

King_Filas 🇵🇱 | 3 ratings
Posted almost 5 years ago

Smak: delikatny smak, wyczuwalne owoce tropikalne, słodki.
Finisz: delikatny i owocowy
Zapach: przyjemny, nie za mocny, lekko waniliowy
Kolor: brązowy, wchodzący w ciemne złoto
Butelka: wysoka, przyozdobiona siatką, która dodaje klimatu

Jason 🇺🇸 | 174 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

I haven't had many rums like this one. Very oaky, nice bite, and good spices. Slight burn at the end. I enjoy this as a sipper.

HunterRomario 🇨🇿 | 396 ratings
Posted 5 years ago

7 let zrání v Karibiku v sudu po bourbonu, 1 rok ve Francii v sudu po koňaku Ferrand a následně ještě rok v sudu po dezertním bílém vínu Pineau.
Alkohol: 42,4 %
Původ: Trinidad/Francie
Aroma: Sladší kořenitost, skořice, cedr, kakao, med, pečený banán, kandované ovoce, želatinoví medbídci, těžší květinová vůně (růže). (86 b)
Chuť: Jak voní, tak chutná. Sladce kořenitá chuť, s cedrovým dřevem, kandovaným ovocem a pečeným banánem, v dochuti pak piliny, suché dřevo. (87 b)
Body: 87/100
Shrnutí: Ochutnáno v rámci přímého srovnávacího testu s kamarádem, kdy jsme srovnávali sedm single casků Plantation, a pak ještě dvakrát samostatně, díky decové placatce zakoupené v rámci kolektivního nákupu. Opět solidní kousek.
Závěrem zopakuji pár slov k Pineau des Charentes. Můžete se setkat i s názvem Pineau Charentais nebo prostě jen s výrazem Pineau.
Jedná se o víno fortifikované, tedy dolihované, obdobně jako například portské. Jde o regionální francouzský aperitiv, vyrobený v departementech Charente a Charente-Maritime. Jeho historie sahá až do roku 1589. Vyrábí se buď z čerstvé, nekvašené hroznové šťávy nebo směsi lehce zkvašeného hroznového moštu , ke kterému se přidá koňak a pak se nechá zrát.

Paul B 🇺🇸 | 477 ratings
Posted 5 years ago

I always sip a new rum right away to see about the burn and to estimate how much breathing time it needs. Yes, the immediate finish burns. This one is 9 years old, so 10 minutes is enough time to let it breathe. Viscous legs are minimal, so I am assuming that this one is semi dry with 10-19 gpl maximum of added sugar. The aroma and taste are a complex mix of tropical fruits.

When I think of the best of Trinidadian rums, I think of Angostura 1919. It is a very good rum, but the WOW factor is just not there for me. It may move up from my initial rating of 7 and I seriously doubt that it will move down from there. Time will tell. My bottle is cask No. 3, bottle 289 and it was the last one on the shelf. It was also hand selected by one of my favorite liquor stores near me. At only $38 US, it was a very good buy.

Update July 25. 2109: The more that I sip on this one, the more it feels like Plantation tried to improve on perfection from Angostura 1919. They did not fail miserably, but certainly did not improve upon perfection. This is a damn good sipping rum, but Angostura 1919 is actually a better value.

Bertv1 🇧🇪 | 45 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

As stated in the title, decent rum, with definite wood flavors. Not the best in its category though.

Mihai 🇷🇴 | 212 ratings
Posted 4 years ago

Destul de fin, gust plăcut, se simte că e single Cask, merită încercat, desigur on the rocks..

Brand Details

Name: 2009 Trinidad White Pineau des Charentes Cask
Company: Plantation
Country: Multiple
Type: Aged
Yr Distilled: 2009
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No