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I love the Plantation rums and this is one of my favorites.
Unfortunately, this one, like a lot jamaican rums, to me, also has this typical glue taste I don't like.
Denne rom er ikke af den søde og nemme slags. Det er dog alligevel en super lækker rom. Der er sødme og frugt i duften. Smagen byder på rigtig power, hvor man ikke er i tvivl om at det her er en rom, der vil have at man ved at den er i munden.
Den er fantastisk, typisk jamaica rom. Er du til de søde rom, skal du nok lade denne være. Men er du ude efter noget nyt og spændende, så er det her værd at prøve.
Alkohol: 42 %
Původ: Jamajka
Aroma: Ovocně likérová, mírně alkoholově štiplavá vůně, čokoláda s likérovou náplní, růže nebo podobné květinově nasládlé aroma. Poslední složka je lehce agresivní a rušivá, něco jako lékařský líh. (82 b)
Chuť: Chuť je naštěstí harmoničtější než vůně. Medově kožená s pralinkami, čokoláda. Štiplavější v dozvuku, zde není pochyb, že pijete rum, klasika. (85 b)
Body: 84
Shrnutí: Protentokrát poslední z ochutnaných Plantation rumů u josého. Mírné pihy na kráse, ale v celku dobrý rum.
has some unusual flavors going on but I can't stop thinking about this one. Good stuff
Great rim to mix but not my favorite to sipp. Unfortunately a little pricy for what you get.
I can't drink this, it has a unbearable taste (refered to "Jamaican Glu" by Benito B which I tend to join on this matter)
Only get this one if you have aldready tasted it and appreciated it.
Despite it's young age,its a very interesting rum, you feel the jamaican line in the nose, a little spicy,wooden,but the oak overwhelms in the nose,on the palate and even during the afterburn.It's a pity,as aromas of fruits and chocolate try to develop. If you like whisky,you will like it too,if you prefer sweeter,less woody rums,try another,like the 5yo Barbados from Plantation,not to mention the 12y which is the cream on the top
Rhum assez soft et goutu a consommer sec. Plutôt intéressant.
The nose is very distinctly Jamaican pot still.
"It’s initially very sweet but the sweet sugary toffee like notes are fighting with rather than complementing the heavy notes."
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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My favorite rum right now, don't ask me why... Tried it one day at a local bar. At first the kick was harsh, but then all this stuff started happening in my mouth, and in my brain... like fireworks going off everywhere... sweetest buzz in the world. There's probably tons better out there, but till I find it, I'm sticking with this one.