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Good nice aroma
Bottle: Plain and normal 0/1
Colour: Light amber
Aroma: Rich. Fruity. 1/2
Taste: It is not so sweet as other Plantation rums and I feel a little bit like drinking whiskey but still there are some fruit remnants. It is strong on taste of alcohol. 3/5
Aftertaste: Not smooth but not unpleasant 1/2
Not my favourite one but still good. A little bit too strong for me.
Alkohol: 45 %
Původ: Guyana
Aroma: Těžce květinová vůně s kůží a lesním medem, k tomu máta a rumové pralinky. Těžší a hutnější typ vůně, starý nábytek, zemitost. (86 b)
Chuť: Velmi pěkná, dřevitě medová, sametová, jemná a zároveň plná chuť. (88 b)
Body: 87
Shrnutí: Velmi příjemná záležitost. Ochutnán v Hořicích u josého během jedné ze dvou říjnových degustací.
Like almost all plantation rums a solid choice. Can't help it but I do like their products.
Rom med noter af røg. Den har en blød eftersmag. Favoritten fra platation er dog stadig 20 anno´en.
Auxhmit ddiesem Plantation kannst du alles mach. Super Rum.
Virkelig god kompleksitet og bestemt ikke en pleaser. - fin underspillet sødme som vi kender det fra guyana, blandet med røg. Super rom!
Good product of Plantation, but not the best. Gold colour, nice long aftertaste.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Unclear whether earlier versions of the "Guyana" Plantation bottles were mislabeled... GUYANA is the western most of the three Guyanas; GUYANE - on the other side of Suriname about 200 miles to the southeast - is what locals call French Guiana. Around 2009 I was picking up bottles of "Guyana" Plantation but the map pointed to Frech Guyana/Guyane. So, who knows what I was drinking. It was good, either way! Have yet to taste a Plantation bottle I didn't like, come to think of it. This seems very similar to El Dorado 12 and I have a running suspicion it was simply repackaged ED12. Who knows. No complaints, regardless.