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Have you found an online vendor selling Plantation Grenada?
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Both distinct and refined. Low sugar but fruit forward. Highly recommend.
The Grenada tag doesn't mean much here. Most if the Plantation rum have similar profiles. Quality rum, but not great.
It's a solid rum but there are better choices out there.
The Plantation Grenada 1998 is in my point of vue a smooth and sweet rum which can be sipped neat or with ice. The blue colour of it's packaging makes it even more nicer!
A little darker than a lot of the other Plantation rums. I find the Grenada 1998 to be a very good neat pour.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Goldenes Bernstein im Glas.
In der Nase überaus fruchtig, da läuft einem das Wasser im Mund zusammen ! Blumen, Kiwi, weisse Trauben, grüner Apfel, ...mmm... frisches Gebäck.
Im Gaumen, ganz sanft und geschmeidig breiten sich die Aromen von reifen Früchten in Vanille Sauce aus. Frisches Holzofenbrot mit Rosinen und dunkler Schokolade schmeicheln Deine Geschmacksknospen.
Im Abgang bleibt lange eine dezente Süsse zurück.
Ein wirklich gelungener Rum der Spass macht. Für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene.
Golden amber in the glass.
In the nose very fruity, it's mouthwatering ! Flowers, kiwi, white grapes, green apple, ... mmm ... fresh pastries.
On the palate, very soft and smooth spread the aromas of ripe fruit in vanilla sauce. Fresh wood oven bread with raisins and dark chocolate flatter your taste buds.
In the finish, a long subtle sweetness remains.
A really felicitous rum who is lot of fun. For beginners and advanced.