
Neisson L'Espirit Blanc 70 rum

Neisson L'Espirit Blanc 70

Martinique | Agricole | 70% ABV | Column Still (1-4)

31 ratings
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31 Neisson L'Espirit Blanc 70 Ratings

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niko_aqm 🇫🇷 | 14 ratings
Posted 10 years ago

Attention ce rhum affiche quand même 70 degrés alors personnellement je le bois après un petit tour au congélateur. Le nez est magnifique, beaucoup de fraîcheur et d'agrumes, on dirait un ti-punch déjà préparé. On a également un côté végétal et on devine la fibre de la canne fraîche.
En bouche c'est rond au départ grâce au refroidissement au congélateur et puis ça explose dans tous les sens, on sent le citron, le poivre, les fruits exotiques... On peut dire que c'est un rhum à sensations fortes, la bouche reste imprégnée pendant de longues minutes.
A déguster avec modération car personnellement ça me brûle quand même un peu l'estomac quand j'en abuse.

fifonlaideur 🇫🇷 | 25 ratings
Posted over 9 years ago

A consommer avec modération car on sent les 70°, mais excellent rhum blanc, avec beaucoup de fraîcheur et de notes d'agrumes.

ghibz 🇫🇷 | 9 ratings
Posted 9 years ago

Awesome rum ! Great taste of fresh cane lemon and flower and a big explosion in your mouth when you drink it
Great rum for aficiados not rookies :)

Denis Mazzucato 🇮🇹 | 15 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Con i suoi 70 gradi bisogna andarci piano, ma a patto di degustarlo con la calma che merita è un signor rum! Con agrumi, zenzero e finale dolce e lungo.

Per uomini duri! ;)

Marc Cardinal 🇧🇪 | 399 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Bang ! Straight from the column without any reduction, this rum explode in mouth. Fresh cane, fruit (lemon), powerful but not aggressive with a long finish. If your head is hanging on your body , it is a pure pleasure.
Can't wait the next pit stop ;-)

Falcon91Wolvrn03 (PREMIUM) 🇺🇸 | 562 ratings
Posted almost 8 years ago

This is a decent rum, and reminds me a lot of the 50%abv Neisson Rhum Agricole Blanc, only much stronger at 70%abv.

I slightly prefer the Agricole Blanc, as I believe it has a little more cane flavor to it, though these are close.

The L'Espirit smells and tastes of a classic agricole rum, with sugarcane, pepper, and a light hint of lemon. Very strong at 70%, this is not a rum for beginners. If you like agricole rums, you'll probably enjoy this more than I do, as I tend to prefer the molasses rums.

Ced.delecourt 🇫🇷 | 5 ratings
Posted almost 8 years ago

Petite decouverte avant de quitter la Martinique... Excellent malgré son haut degré d alcool

Tony Lindo 🇵🇦 | 132 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

no esta mal pero un poco elevedado su precio para ser un blanco agricola

piratejabez 🇺🇸 | 321 ratings
Posted almost 7 years ago

70% ABV. Wow, this one comes out swinging! Big nose of grass and creamed corn; some glue. Yes, rather hot, but no trace of any off-putting alcohol notes. Warm in the mouth. Complex, briny (not too much), caney. This juice is a show of masterful distillation. I really enjoyed it.

I don't know how they did it, but they made a perfectly drinkable, 140-proof, unaged rum. I finished my sample without adding any water; I just felt like it should remain "pure." But if I ever get a bottle of this for myself, I will definitely be experimenting with different levels of dilution, as well as with a slice of lime and drop of sugar ;).

8+, 9-

Charles Antoine 🇧🇪 | 10 ratings
Posted over 6 years ago

Hardcore 70% rhum but excellent in ti punch if you can get past the burn.

Brand Details

Name: L'Espirit Blanc 70
ABV: 70%
Company: Neisson
Country: Martinique
Type: Agricole
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Column Still (1-4)
Women Led: No