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Have you found an online vendor selling Mount Gay XO Extra Old?
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Mount Gay Extra Old (often written "OX") is a blend of rums aged between 8 and 15 years in American bourbon barrels.
Mount Gay Distilleries is the oldest operating distillery in the Americas - producing rum in Barbados since 1703. It's original name was Mount Gilboa, and in 1801 renamed Mount Gay after the distillery's manager Sir John Gay Alleyne.
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Just tried Mount Gay XO for the first time. As someone who has never tried rum that costs more than $30 per bottle, you'd rightly expect I am incredibly impressed. Mount Gay XO has a lovely cinnamony woody aroma, and a nice full flavor in my mouth place. The swallowing action was pleasing to the throat, with a nice warmth. Nothing like that horrible tasteless burn from cheaper rums. I trust I will gain an even higher appreciation for this rum after sampling more rums of similar quality. For now, it's a solid 10 until I try something better. I enjoyed this drink neat with some chocolates
Was lucky enough to hit the Mount Gay distillery in Barbados... and drank this throughout the whole trip there. The best was hitting a Friday street fair and getting rum and coke from a vendor... a small bottle of XO, a plastic cup with an ice cube, and a can of coke. I ditched the coke.
RO: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeei, din greseala am incurcat black barrel double cask cu XO ))
nu este o dferenta foarte mare intre acestea daaaaaaaaaaar acesta e mai bun ))
este superb , la fel ca celalalt nivelul de alcool e optim si chiar daca pt unii poate sa para mai aspru ( nu este un rom pentru iubitorii de rom dulce) , de fapt este rotund si imprastie optim aroma fara sa exagereze cu arsura .
spre deosebire de black barrel la acesta aromele se simt mai pronuntat, ceea ce ceream de la celalalt ) . in pincipal aromele de fructe se simt mai pronuntat , sunt fructe tropicale si mi se pare ca sunt un soi de semnatura pentru romurile din Barbados. M a dus cu gandul acest rom la Plantation xo dar fara sa aiba defectele aceluia, cel mai important fiind zaharul adaugat ceea ce face ca acest rom sa si pastreze calitatea si gustul pe o perioada lunga de timp, pe cand Plantation XO devine fad , dar si alcoolul mai ridicat joaca un rol in favoarea acestuia, un rom cu o calitate superioara chiar daca si pe acela l am notat cu 10 (ultima data cand m am intalnit cu acela nu mi a mai parut la fel de valoros dar mai trebue investigat).
pe langa acesta combinatie de arome fructate marca Barbados se mai simte si gust de vanillie, cacao, piele, zahar ars , si iz de tabac in postgust care este lung ..
un rom parfumat , un rom de barbados de inalta calitate.
EN: heeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, by mistake I confused black barrel double cask with XO))
there is not a big difference between these; yes this one is better))
it is superb, just like the other, the level of alcohol is optimal and even if for some it may seem harsher (it is not a rum for lovers of sweet rum), in fact it is round and spreads the aroma optimally without exaggerating the burn.
unlike black barrel, this one has more pronounced aromas, which is what I was asking for from the other one). mainly the fruit aromas feel more pronounced, they are tropical fruits and it seems to me that they are a signature variety for rums from Barbados. This rum made me think of Plantation xo, but without having the defects of that one, the most important being the added sugar, which makes this rum retain its quality and taste for a long time, while Plantation XO becomes bland, but the higher alcohol plays a role in its favor to, a rum with a superior quality even if I also rated that one with a 10 (the last time I met that one, it didn't seem as valuable to me, but it still needs to be investigated) .
besides this combination of fruity aromas brand Barbados, you can also feel the taste of vanilla, cocoa, leather, burnt sugar, and a trace of tobacco in the aftertaste which is long..
a perfumed rum, a high quality Barbadian rum.
velmi, velmi povedenΓ½ rum... jeden z mΓ½ch favoritΕ―
I spent a few months working down in Barbados in 2019 and really liked the previous XO. However, I think Richard Seale once again outdid himself.
The triple cask really does provide a symphony of flavor, but not at all too sweet. If they announce they are discontinuing it, I would rent a storage unit and buy as much as I could. :-)
I love Barbados rum more than any other, and this takes the crown..... From the cask flavours to the fruits, to the chocolate. The nose is instantly recognisable and just makes me smile
Nose and Palate both have Molasses, Wood, Cinnamon and Toffee
And guess what, you can focus on each element and have the reward of it singularly coming through to reward your senses.
Mr. Smith hit the target on this one, and each encounter delivers sub-MOA accuracy.
What a great smooth and full flavour rum for the price. Easily one of my favourites hands down.
Authentic, inexpensive and widely available . Amazing rum!
'ripe banana and toast, followed by vanilla, pastry and...'
"Mount Gay Extra Old rum review by The Ultimate Rum Guide"
It is spicy especially on the finish and a little bit short.
"The nose is very fruity. Raisin, prunes and currants with a little banana and some tropical fruits a little pineapple perhaps."
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Wow, this is just a perfect rum. It's impossibly smooth, naturally sweet, full of molasses and toffee, some oak, and a whole lot of perfection. Compare this miraculous rum with Plantation XO (also from Barbados), which has more added sugar than children's juice boxes. You can spend much more for rums which are as good as - but not better - than this one. Straight up, right?