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Already aroma is warning that this will not be soma rum for beginners :-D
Taste is smooth (for 62%) but there are ending all positives. Hard agricole taste with grass, esters and other nor very pleasant tones. Aftertaste is longer. but again not very pleasant. Agricole lovers can add 2 points.
Superbe rhum blanc de dégustation, canne très présente en bouche, arôme délicat et alcool présent mais pas envahissant
Great choice, best white rhum from Guadeloupe i guess
Longteu 62
Apples , garlic cloves
Like a dry raki taste of Japan apples mangos this is a delight of the tongue
D'excellent arômes de canne qui peut se boire aussi bien seul qu'en ti punch
La plupart des rhums agricoles "bien faits" évoquent le citron vert... Celui-ci va un peu plus loin en termes de finesse et d'élégance, de pureté (vesou de haute qualité) et taquine sans problème les plus fins rhums blancs Martiniquais (HSE, Neisson, La Mauny)
Bien musclé, il est parfait pour les ti' punch. A gouter pour les amateurs de rhum agricole
Pretty cheap Agricole Blanc. Added a tablespoon of water, as I am accustomed to with my over-proofed whiskeys.
The nose comes in with rich strawberry/blueberry marmalade. A bit of stank and lemon peel. It's got some edges and I like that!
Palate is rich sweet berries with some esters, fades into a nice dryness, without bitter or harsh notes.
Bold and good.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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This rum from the Esperance distillery, which also produces the Karukera brand, is produced from the blue and red canes of the estate.
Fermented in a natural way, without any additives and then distilled on a traditional Savalle column whereafter it’s just slightly watered down with the offspring water from the Soufrière volcano before bottled at the estate.
On the nose it’s vegetal, floral and earthy with the high ABV quite present.
In mouth and palate the sugar cane dominates, but it’s also quite sweet with vegetal notes.
The long finish is floral and earthy.
Overall an powerful Agricole that despite the high ABV is very smooth and quite mild. I’ve also tested it in a Ti Punch, and it was great.
So I understand that it’s very popular locally in Guadeloupe.
Picture: My emptied bottle and a poured glass.