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Les Bienheureux El Pasador de Oro XO is a made from a combination of Guatemalan rums, which are aged anywhere from 6 to 15 years in oak barrels. Additional aging takes place in France in Cognac casks.
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According to various internet sources this is a blend of various Guatemalan rums aged anywhere from 6 to 15 years in oak barrels then are aged some more (cannot determine the time frame) in Cognac casks in France.
An interesting backstory.
However not much information given on the rather plain label.
Let's continue...
The hue of the rum is a rich dark amber...a brownish amber. Dark caramel perhaps. It has a very appealing odor (again, my weak point since I am unable to distinguish odors well...I just say it's a nice odor or not).
Nice legs as I swirl it in my snifter.
The flavor is quite intriguing. Definitely a smooth sipping rum. A little oiliness causes it to stick to the tongue well allowing the flavors to settle. It has some pepperiness to it but does not have much of a tannin bitterness although the oak notes are clearly present albeit subtle. A nice caramel and vanilla undertones. No real burn. Instead there is a nice warmth that builds for a bit in the back of the throat and then fades ever so slowly. If the info I found is true and the rum is finished in France in Cognac casks then I understand why it has this subtle sweetness that almost borders on sugaring but plausibly isn't.
Clearly a sipping rum with a nice complexity to it. Excellent rum for the price IF you can find it.
I tried this side by side with the El Pasador de Ora Gran Reserva, and it was surprisingly close. But I give that one the edge, as it was a tad smoother and tastier. If price matters to you, get this one, because it's close to the Gran Reserva. Otherwise, get that one.
Smells and tastes of a sweet caramel, spice, oak, and tobacco. Like the Gran Reserva, this one too is just shy of a '9' to me.
The El Pasador De Oro XO is a blend of molasses rums of about 6-15 years storage time in Guatemala. It is then imported to France and stored there for about 6 months in cognac barrels. It is distilted under the same roof as the well-known Zacapa. The rum is bottled with 40% alcohol. The bottle is of high quality and appealing. It is not known whether additives are added. I don't think so, but maybe he's slightly sweetened.
In the nose, the rum is restrained. Mild come sweet fruity notes with some oak. The XO's clear advantage over a Solera is that the sharpness doesn't interfere. When drinking, the rum is mild and tastes like vanilla and raisins. A pleasant sweetness pairs with oak and barrel notes. One tastes that the El Pasador has a good proportion of older rums. The alcohol is surprisingly well integrated and never becomes unpleasant. Even when it finishes, it does not bother and absorbs the aromas of the rum well. Molasses and wood are recognizable in the finish, which does not give way too early.
The El Pasador de Oro XO is for 40Euro an amazingly round rum that does not have to hide and makes its compatriot with the "Z" look old. It does a lot of right and balances its mild aromas well. A little more body and a few stronger barrel notes and we would talk about a premium product. Overall, I would make a clear purchase recommendation. Here the price-performance ratio is right.
Der El Pasador De Oro XO ist ein Blend aus Melasse Rums von ca. 6-15 Jahre Lagerzeit in Guatemala. Dann wird er nach Frankreich importiert und lagert dort für ca. 6 Monate in Cognacfässern nach. Er wird unter dem selben Dach wie auch der bekannte Zacapa distiliert. Der Rum wird mit 40% Alkohol abgefüllt. Die Flasche wirkt hochwertig und ansprechend. Es ist nicht bekannt ob Zusatzstoffe hinzugefügt werden. Ich glaube nicht, außer das er vielleicht leicht gesüßt ist.
In der Nase ist der Rum zurückhaltend. Mild kommen süße fruchtige Noten mit etwas Eiche. Ganz klarer Vorteil des XO gegenüber einem Solera, das keine Schärfe stört. Beim Trinken ist der Rum mild und schmeckt nach Vanille und Rosinen. Eine angenehme Süße paart sich mit Eichen- sowie Fassnoten. Man schmeckt das der El Pasador einen guten Anteil länger gereiferter Rums hat. Der Alkohol ist erstaunlich gut eingebunden und wird nie unangenehm. Auch beim Abgang stört er nicht und nimmt die Aromen des Rums gut auf. Melasse und Holz sind im Abgang erkennbar welcher nicht zu früh nachgibt.
Der El Pasador de Oro XO ist für 40Euro ein erstaunlich runder und vollmundiger Rum welcher sich nicht verstecken muss und seinen Landsmann mit dem "Z" alt aussehen lässt. Er macht viel richtig und balanciert seine milden Aromen gut. Etwas mehr Körper und ein paar kräftigere Fassnoten und wir würden über ein Premium Produkt sprechen. Insgesamt würde ich eine klare Kaufempfehlung aussprechen. Hier stimmt das Preis Leistungsverhältnis.
Smooth, tasty, colorful, beautiful, this Rum make you just want one more all the time. My personal favorite
Had just a sample of El Pasador de Oro XO which is a sweet Latin styled rum from Guatemala.
It’s made from molasses distilled in a column still that’s aged in French cognac oak casks between 6- and 15-year.
In nose it’s soft and a little spicy with notes of fruits, vanilla and pepper.
On the palate it’s sweet and fruity and I recognize vanilla, raisins, caramel and chocolate.
During the rather long finish it tastes mostly vanilla and a little coconut.
Overall an OK Latino rum with a little too weak taste.
Picture: My emptied sample poured in a glass.
Sugar: Estimated 16 gpl. A smooth but uncomplicated rum that makes for an easy sipping experience. Oak, vanilla, caramel are all present and accounted for in this blend and are very well balanced. I detect some orange peel and perhaps some baking spice and a bit of nuttiness. No big explosion of taste, but a nice long warmth that has no harsh edge to it. This rum is aged in Cognac casks and that explains the orange and spice flavours. To me this rum is a cross between a Plantation and a very light Zacapa rum. I like it and it's a good value. With a bit more complexity it would be rated in the 9 range. If you see it, I recommend you pick up a bottle. You will be happy with it.
A very similar class of Rum to Papa's Pilar or Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva. On the sweeter end of the spectrum but very good in its complexity.
un rhum complexe veilli en fut de cognac. assemblage entre 8 et 15 ans lui donne un gout de canelle, de fruits exotiques et boisé. vraiment excellent et près a défier les rhum prestigieux.
Schönes glänzendes Honiggelb im Glas.
In der Nase herrlich frisch nach Orchideen und tropischem Regen. Etwas Karamell mit Zitruszesten sind wahrzunehmen, leichte Holztöne spielen im Hintergrund. Erinnert mich irgendwie an einen alten Tante Emma Laden.
Am Gaumen leicht, süss und süffig. Kandierte tropische Früchte und zart getoastetes Holz mit einem Hauch Karamell nehmen dich mit in die Ferne. Die Reise ist sehr angenehm.
Im Abgang bleiben Früchte (Zitrus), Karamell und Holz gleichwertig auf der Zunge, Wehmut am Schluss und etwas bitteres Holz.
Ein Leichter Rum, nicht zu süss, für einfach mal so. Für Einsteiger und Aufsteiger.
- 2cl Muster -
Beautiful glossy honey yellow in the glass.
In the nose wonderfully fresh after orchids and tropical rain. Some caramel with citrus zest can be perceived, light wood tones play in the background. Reminds me somehow of an old corner store.
Light, sweet and quaffable on the palate. Candied tropical fruits and delicately toasted wood with a hint of caramel take you away. The journey is very pleasant.
In the finish, fruit (citrus), caramel and wood remain equal on the tongue, wistfulness at the end and some bitter wood.
A light rum, not too sweet, for just so. For beginners and intermediates.
- 2cl sample -
Amazing. So close to the gran reserva—enjoyed it a lot. A little less layering in the flavor profile but amazing—especially for the price.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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This dark amber rum is a very pleasant surprise; when i tasted it, i could smell cinnamon, fruit, cocoa and a little sweetness; its flavor is very good and balanced, with notes of cocoa and spices.
Este ron de color ámbar oscuro, es una muy grata sorpresa; cuando lo probé pude sentir aromas de canela, frutas, cacao y un poco de dulzor; su sabor es muy bueno y equilibrado, con notas de cacao y especias.