Diplomatico launches new cigar to pair with rum
Published by Diplomatico ago via Cigar Afficianato
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Venezuela | Aged | 40% ABV | Pot Still
Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva rum is distilled from molasses in copper pot stills and then aged in small oak casks for on average 12 years before being bottled.
Produced in Venezuela, which has a rich rum history dating to 1896, the Diplomatico Reserva Exclusiva distillery is located on the northern slopes of the Andes mountains.
via American Rum ReportSort by: Popularity | Newest | Oldest | Rating
le meilleur rhum que j'ai gouté pour le moment ...
Celui qui m'a fait découvrir les rhums vieux et qui depuis reste dans mes favoris, malgré les nombreuses dégustations réalisées.
Il rivalise largement avec l'Opthimus 21, ou le Centenario 30 !
One of the best
Un des meilleurs
Very Nice smooth rum
And the bottle just has a certain class to the touch too!
un prix defian toute concurence pour un rhum de cette qualite
Too sweet
this rum is truly a benchmark, the quality that you get for this price is stunning.
Certainly it's a sweet rum but therefore a very good one. Also very good as a recommendation to beginners. The only bad thing is that the Botucal (name change in germany) lost some of it's quality, if that wouldn't have happened I would give the rum the full score!
****UPDATE 2019-11-17****
6 years have passed since this review and in this period I could try many rums, primarly unsweetened high proof and full proof rums. I'll make it quick:
This rum has still this special magic to get people into rum in general due to this "everybodies darling" attribute. however, we are also talking here about a sweetened rum and without the added sugar this rum would most likely won't have as many fans as it has. It's easy to consume, but there is much better stuff out there guys.
As an novice, I'm starting to appreciate the intricacies of Rum tasting & the fact that one mans pleasure is another mans poison. I appreciate that the "Reserva Exclusiva" should be better than the "Reserva" but I must admit that I much prefer the "Reserva", as I find the Exclusiva a little thicker & heavier & thus not as palatable to me.
"The palate evokes chocolate sauce and the sweet toffee, fudge and tropical fruit flavours from the nose"
"The nose is dominated by notes of caramel, toffee and crème. On the back end of the aromas, I can detect a hint of smoke and pineapple"
via Inu A Kena
Smells sweet. It is fruity, oranges, grapes and raisins with scents of chocolate and a sweet almost syrupy.
"The tasting notes on the site are very accurate vanilla, fudge/toffee sauce are noticeable as are notes of vanilla and a finish which is slightly bitter like cocoa which leaves a hit of oakiness on the taste buds. The finish is pretty short. ."
Published by Diplomatico ago via Cigar Afficianato
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Distillerie : Distilerias Unidas
Provenance : Vénézuela
le rhum Diplomatico est un rhum de style espagnol exclusivement à base de rhums d'alambic à repasse, âgés de 12 ans minimum.
C'est un rhum très moelleux, même mielleux ; aux notes fruitées et caramélisées, avec une pointe d'épices.
Le rhum Diplomatico est à savourer lentement et longuement., pour en découvrir toutes les subtilités