Diplomatico launches new cigar to pair with rum
Published by Diplomatico ago via Cigar Afficianato
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Diplomatico Anejo is a 4-year old golden rum from Venezuela. It is the youngest of the Diplomatico rum family and is medium-bodied.
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Nice rum with a decent price from one of the great rum producers in Venezuela. A sweeter rum with the standard vanilla, caramel, brown sugar, some citrus and woody notes.
The youngest in the Diplomatico line, but don't take this as a negative, just a great way to get a good rum at a decent price.
like it like it like it, Diplomatico family... great full taste beautiful color and lovely finish
All always a great rum. Decent pricing and great flavor. If you can't find or afford a better diplomatico, this is the one for you. Best buy for under $20.
Me gusta este Ron como todos los de su familia. Es el compañero perfecto para un buen Cocktail de frutas tropicales
Dobrý rum, výrazná chuť, stojí za to si jej vychutnat! Nejlepší samotné.
For me its better than the reserva. For the price i was surprised . for me one of the best cheaper versions of these rums.
Enfin c'est comme ça qu'un ami ma decrit le diplomatico, la semaine suivant il m'en offrait une bouteille. Moi qui commence dans le rhum et monte en gamme chaque semaines, je peux certifiés que ce rhum loin d'être le meilleur et tout simplement parfait pour les vieux punch et reste très agréable à siroter pur ou avec un glaçons.
ideal para Cuba Libre
The taste straight is fairly rough,.
"Mixed with a little cola the rum is fairly similar in some respects to Chairman’s Reserve, it has some smokiness to it, it’s quite rough (a man’s drink) but not in a bad way."
Published by Diplomatico ago via Cigar Afficianato
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Very good with lime and coke. Or for other food mix