
Dictador XO Perpetual rum

Dictador XO Perpetual

Colombia | Aged | 40% ABV

Perpetuating family traditions. A dry, very deeply elegant rum. The favourite rum of Hernan Parra, Dictador Master Blender. Aged in premium quality, ex-bourbon and ex-sherry. Aging time 25-35 years.

114 ratings
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114 Dictador XO Perpetual Ratings

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Florin 🇷🇴 | 78 ratings
Posted almost 3 years ago

RO: cele 2 romuri de serie supreme de la Dictador le am incercat din monstre de 50 ml si le am pus alaturi de ultimul pahar din sticla mea de dictador 20 pastrata special pentru acest eveniment )
din ce am observat eu baza pare a fi la fel la toate 3 diferentele tinand de finisaj

de indata ce le am desfacut mirosul ce mi a lovit narile nu a fost deloc o surpriza : cafeaua )

se simte la toate un miros dulceag care vine probabil de la fructe uscate (probabil pruna) iz ciocolatiu si inbinat cu finete de migdala , cafea si cacao , zahar brun , poate ceva vanilie , si ceva cu iz floral dulceag, care acum realizez ca era si la 20 si era fix acea nuanta pe care nu reuseam sa o disting, nici acum nu mi e clar ce e )))) dar macar am reusit sa realizez ca e un iz floral si asta mai ales datorita lui Insolent )

aromele sunt foarte bine echilibrate iar alcoolul bine integrat, cu greu inteleg de ce se spune despre dictador ca e mai aspru din punct de vedere al acoolului, poate putin mai barbatesc , dar aspru in niciun caz

diferenta dintre perpetual si 20 este ca , excluzand faptul ca perpetual pare putin mai bine finisat , este ca la perpetual imi pare ca aroma de cacao este putin peste cea de cafea, in schimb la 20 este invers.

chiar daca sunt mai bine finisate este foarte greu de spus daca aceste romuri merita sa platesti un plus de minim 50% , probabil ca nu avand in vedere ca diferentele nu sunt atat de mari, dar sunt fara discutie niste romuri superbe .

Am incercat 5 tipuri de romuri dictador pana acum si mi au placut toate, e clar ca aceasta firma stie ce face cand vorbim de romuri si recomand cu tarie )

EN: the 2 rums of the supreme series from Dictador I tried from 50 ml samples and I put them next to the last glass of my dictator 20 bottle kept especially for this event)
from what I noticed the base seems to be the same for all 3, a subtle addition of finesse for perpetual and insolent

as soon as I opened the smell that hit my nostrils it was not a surprise at all: coffee)

all of them smell sweet that probably comes from dried fruit (probably plum) chocolate flavor and combined with fine almonds, coffee and cocoa, brown sugar, maybe some vanilla, and something with a sweet floral scent, which I now realize was in 20 to, and it was that shade that I could not distinguish, even now it is not clear to me what it is)))) but at least I managed to realize that it is a floral scent and this especially due to Insolent)

the aromas are very well balanced and the alcohol well integrated, I can hardly understand why it is said about the dictator that it is rougher in terms of alcohol, maybe a little more masculine, but harsh in no case

the difference between perpetual and 20 is that, excluding the fact that perpetual seems a little better finished, it is that at perpetual it seems to me that the aroma of cocoa is a little over that of coffee, instead at 20 it is the other way around.

even if they are better finished, it is very difficult to say if these rums are worth paying an extra 50%, probably not considering that the differences are not so big, but they are without question some superb rums.

I have tried 5 types of dictator rums so far and I liked them all, it is clear that this company knows what it does when we talk about rums and I strongly recommend)

Georg 🇺🇸 | 4 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

So tasty! Beautiful sweetness on the nose, when I drink it I can feel my body relaxing. I definitely will try it with my cigars.

kodex 🇵🇱 | 6 ratings
Posted over 4 years ago

Top kind of rum for me - sweet but not too sweet - intense taste but not too intense, alcohol hidden - but warming from first sip.
A great Rum to pair with cigar

Morthrag 🇨🇭 | 96 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

Eindeutig einer meiner Favoriten.
Sehr ausgewogen im Geschmack mit perfekt eingebauter Süsse, die super zu den holzig würzigen Aromen passt.
Genau so mag ich meinen Rum, Schluck für Schluck.

shindler 🇵🇱 | 43 ratings
Posted over 2 years ago

One of the best rums I've tried. My personal best as of beginning of 2022. Way greater that their 20yo. Just perfect. Slightly oily in consitency, very smooth with deep coffee notes. I've tried it in a row with couple other rums... when I've reached it was like: damn it's worth it price ~90€, you can feel the difference, the patience and craftsmenship behind its preparation.
Just truely superb!

Max 🇫🇷 | 4 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

XO Perpetual- my top choice of Dictador Rums from Colombia, great job on working the Bourbon and sherry casks. Very elegant rum.

Sergey Chigrin 🇷🇺 | 1 rating
Posted almost 10 years ago

Шоколад, фундук и грецкие орехи. Мёд. Нотка ванили...
Один из самых любимых ромов.
С хорошей сигарой, получается фантастический дуэт!
Оценка 10.

Tony Lindo 🇵🇦 | 132 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

De nota doradas oscuras este clásico de 18 años llega en boca con notas de frutos secos y caramelo tostado difícil de encontrar

Tom Rhoads 🇺🇸 | 88 ratings
Posted over 7 years ago

I can't say there is a rum produced by Dictador that I don't love.
I think between this one and the Insolent I give a slight edge to the Insolent but not by much.
This has a wonderful dark brown color and and intoxicating aroma.
Very smooth and not overly sweet.
I wish this was more available in my area, I would buy more bottles.

Karin 🇨🇦 | 4 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

My top choice of Dictador Rums from Colombia, great job on working the Bourbon and sherry casks :)

Brand Details

Name: XO Perpetual
ABV: 40%
Company: Dictador
Country: Colombia
Type: Aged
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No


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