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All the Cruzan flavored rums are good but mango is my favorite.
its a typical mix drink rum nothing to fancy good for vodoo juice
Good mixing rum and can be sipped straight. Week on the alcohol content.
Very slight mango. But pretty smooth. No bite in the end. Might mix, but not if mango is supposed to be the star.
Single use. Makes a great rum punch. Not uses for anything else.
It's sweet, yes. The alcohol taste nearly disappears when mixed with OJ. But it's good and it gets you drunk and it's smooth and sweet enough to drink from the bottle, or over ice with no mixer. However I am someone who actually enjoys the burn of hard liquor
No rum flavour, just sweet artificial mango. Easily sipped but not what I look for. I will not be looking for another bottle.
Good by itself honestly. It’s not really a rum that you would drink if you are looking for a sipping rum. But if you are looking to get drunk and have something that tastes nice can’t go wrong.
Mango and Rum are two infinitely creative combinations. Flavourful and sweet without being overpowering or syrup-like in texture. Goes well with soda, in daiquiris, mojitos, or more complex cocktails, and adds flair to a Blue Hawaiian or Hurricane. About as good as it gets as a flavoured white rum for it's price point.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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