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Guadeloupe | Agricole | 52.8% ABV | Column Still (1-4)
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Still overoaked and not particularly exciting. Just fine
This is one of the better Agricole's I've tried (after the La Favorite La Flibuste).
Though this is Brut de Fut, but I'm not sure it's the 8 year Bielle shown on the rumratings pic (as of 25 Apr). I think the 8 year and the Brut de Fut are different? I posted a pic of what I'm reviewing here.
Smells and tastes of a nice strong Agricole, toasted oak, caramel, tobacco, chocolate, leather, and sugarcane.
A very good Agricole!
I'm really starting to enjoy some excellent Agricole rhums as a welcome change from all the usual dosed up , coloured up , flavoured up molasses based sugar bombs out there..
Bottled at 54.8% this version.. Strong ethanol vapours when poured into the glass , but not offensive.
Lovely dark golden colour , fruit aroma's fill the room , i could nose this for hours.. On sipping , your mouth is filled with pineapple , mango and banana with white fruits aswell. I love it , the higher percentage add's to the overall experience. Wonderfully aged for 8 years.. I know it's an agricole but there is no grassy , earthy elements to this in fact it reminds me very much of the Habitation Velier Worthy Park 2007 , one of the best in the world imho !
I love it love it love best Tease quality age Taste wow mind blowing
Wunderschönes Bernstein im Glas.
In der Nase einfach herrlich, wie ein Märchenwald der Düfte. Holztöne in allen Nuancen, frisch geschlagen, gehobelt, als Fass, getoastet. Harz und Moos mit Früchten und Karamell sind nur ein weiterer Bruchteil an Verführungen.
Im Gaumen einfach genial, die 53.9% Vol. meiner Testversion brennen nicht im geringsten auf der Zunge. Die Aromen kommen dafür einiges Mächtiger herüber. Karamell wird von getoastetem Holz geleckt, eine Zitrusfrucht wird mit Kakaopulver bestreut, Trauben im Baumharz getunkt und Tabak in den Lederbeutel gesteckt.
Im Abgang einfach nicht endend, Schokolade, Holz, Karamell und Tabak schwingen lange nach.
Poa… Ein sackstarker Rhum der wirklich begeistert ! Leider rar und teuer aber das ist es wert !
Beautiful amber in a glass.
In the nose simply wonderful, like a fairytale forest of fragrances. Wood tones in all nuances, freshly chopped, planed, as a barrel, toasted. Resin and moss with fruit and caramel are just another fraction of the temptations.
In the palate simply ingenious, the 53.9% Vol. of my test version do not burn in the slightest on the tongue. The aromas come across much more powerful. Caramel is licked from toasted wood, a citrus fruit is sprinkled with cocoa powder, grapes are dipped in the tree resin and tobacco is put into the leather bag.
In the finish simply not ending, chocolate, wood, caramel and tobacco resonate for a long time.
Poa... A strong rhum that really inspires! Unfortunately rare and expensive but worth it !
Brut de fut, tout est dit ! amateur de sucre, passez votre chemin, on a affaire ici a du vrai rhum vieux, tout en subtilité et respectueux du vieillissement du produit. Son seul vrai défaut : son prix et sa rareté...
Il existe en 2007 mais le 2003 est un peu au-dessus. Bielle est vraiment une très belle maison et connait son métier.
Un rhum agricole au nez subtil et vanillé.
La bouche a l'attaque douce, mais qui évolue progressivement sur plusieurs secondes en devenant de plus en plus puissante et chaleureuse. Le boisé s'impose aussi progressivement. Bien sec. Mériterait à mon goût d'être ramené à un niveau d'alcool un peu plus faible pour un meilleur équilibre.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Al naso è intenso e avvolgente con note leggere di solvente, caffè, cioccolato, torbato
Al gusto è caldo e avvolgente con note sopratutto di datteri, poi caffè, fiori e spezie, un'ottima rotondità e un finale persistente che ti coccola la bocca, sembra quasi un solera con una lontanissima nota amara.
Nel bicchiere vuoto legno delicato