
Rum-Bar Gold rum

Rum-Bar Gold

Jamaica | Gold | 40% ABV

56 ratings
Easily consumable in a bind

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56 Rum-Bar Gold Ratings

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wayoutwest 🇬🇧 | 119 ratings
Posted 18 days ago

Smell does that effervese out of the glass immediately thing. Ripe fruit from a distance, adding vulcanised rubber, varnish and sweet glue the nearer it comes.

Taste is pretty mild - all that dilution swamping the flavours somewhat - but it's pretty palatable for such a young rum. I get a touch of brown sugar and wood along with a real mint vibe pushing up on the hotness. The finish is the best bit. Mild Jamaican notes, very dry, long, evolving.

It's a bit of a curio, this. It would be a pretty subtle Jamaican to add to cocktails, and I'd be inclined to drink this neat. Perhaps think of it as pot still alternative to Appleton 8 or Signature.

Overall, it's a mild and relatively restranged, young Jamaican. Bit of volatiles, touch of funk, definite depth. Cheap as chips. No complaints. 5 is just toi harsh, so it has to be a 6.

Steven 🇺🇸 | 49 ratings
Posted 22 days ago

Great price but not super funky. Goes well in a Tiki drink if you are looking for a low funk.

TheJayHawk 🇺🇸 | 104 ratings
Posted 11 months ago

Aroma - molasses followed by orange peels, fresh apples, and a faint vanilla finish.

Taste - molasses followed by orange, allspice, pear and a long barrel spice finish

Dzudzu 🇸🇰 | 129 ratings
Posted 1 year ago

Nice smell and taste, nothing great nothing special, but still good drink for night.

ripperussr 🇨🇿 | 655 ratings
Posted 1 year ago

Harsh woody alcohol aroma; fruity, sweet, not full body; short burn in the end

J H 🇭🇺 | 19 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Ez egy finom fűszeres rum, bár csak kíváncsiságból rendeltem, de nem bántam meg. Viszont ebben az árkategóriában van azért finomabb szerintem. Viszonyításként nekem a Spytail rumjai jobban ízlettek, de a női ízlésvilágnak ez jobban bejött (anyósom és barátnői köre :), mert ez "rumízü, de még se süteményes". Ők Stroh pártiak, de megjegyezték, hogy ez azért sokkal finomabb. :)

Kevin 🇺🇸 | 12 ratings
Posted over 1 year ago

Bought this in port of Falmouth very inexpensive. The reason it is inexpensive no longer eludes me. It is on the harsh side and no smoothness at all. Since I prefer my sips to be smooth, it is understandable after you taste this that it definitely has an ethanol forward flavor. It definitely does not carry the distinctive molasses flavor most Jamaican rums present. I can say from my experience with this brand is this, it does carry a long finish which to me is not a positive. I really would not make an recommendations for you to spend your well earned money towards this purchase.

rastafari 🇩🇪 | 3 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

Für über 20€ hierzulande ist er sein Geld nicht Wert, man merkt dem Rum Bar Gold an dass er nicht lange reifen durfte. Ich probiere Rums vor dem Mixen gerne ausgiebig pur, aber bei diesem Kandidaten stellte ich schon nach dem ersten Glas fest dass ich ihn nicht weiter pur trinken möchte. Wird ein Fass nach der Lagerung von Spirituosen häufiger genutzt, reduzieren sich die Aromen, jedoch erhöht sich der Anteil von Bitterstoffen, genau daran muss ich denken wenn ich den Rum Bar Gold teste...Bitterstoffe... Ansonsten kann ich bis auf den typischen Worthy Park Geschmack und das verschwindend geringe Aromenprofil am Gaumen sowie o.g. Bitterkeit hier nichts Positives berichten, außer dass ich ihn noch in Mixgetränken testen werde, wenn er da auch nicht schmeckt endet er wie ein Bacardi, nämlich in der Autoscheibenwaschanlage!

AlexMo 🇷🇺 | 208 ratings
Posted almost 2 years ago

The first impression is pleasant. I noticed apple and acetone in aroma and taste. The finish is boring and harsh. .,.,.,.,. Ром соответствует цветам флага Ямайки: жёлтый - солнечный экстерьер бутылки и яркий аромат; зелёный - открывает растительные оттенки, мне понравились яблочные ноты; чёрный - после 3 рюмки становится скучноват своей простотой и неприятной жёсткостью в животе. Повторно купить одну - можно.

CH 🇨🇦 | 8 ratings
Posted 2 years ago

The low ratings for Rum Bar Gold are way off base. This is a solid intro to what funky Jamaican rums are all about. It's passable on its own, very good with simple mixes, and sort of average in more elaborate cocktails.

My only two complaints:

-bottling strength; I suspect boosting the ABV to 46-48% would seriously improve how Rum Bar performs in cocktails.

-price. In my area Rum Bar is $5 cheaper than Smith and Cross, which is a much more intense and interesting product. It also shares a price point with Appleton 8YO, which is a superior product.

Brand Details

Name: Gold
ABV: 40%
Company: Rum-Bar
Country: Jamaica
Type: Gold
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Pure blend (1 distillery)
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No

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