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What I´ve heard this is the old version of the Havana Club Seleccion de Maestros (HCSM), or rather that the HCSM is the new version of Havana Club Barrel Proof..? Anyway, I´m a fan of the HCSM and once a got a oppertunity to try the Barrel Proof I got pretty excited and I enjoyed every sip of it!
an outstanding and affordable rum for the money not the gold standard but tasty and dependable better than your average rums
This is one of the best Havana Club.
Dry, masculine rum, with the high Havana club marks.
I like it very much.
The best Havana Club so far. Great for cocktails and possible for sipping
Higher proof but smooth, with lovely but bit alcohol smell, and superb balanced taste. The sweetness is right on spot, smooth vanilla caramel taste with hints of oak and nuts taste is so mellow it is almost perfect sipper for me. Although I cherish the Seleccion very much, the Barrel Proof just won my heart.
A rum too expensive for its benefits. I find it very dry, with little complexity and a more alcoholic aftertaste than I like.
It is not the best HC product in my opinion
Not my absolute favourite rum but it is so very nice. Great for sipping and mixing, but mixing feels a wrong. Would drink this everyday, recommend for everyone.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Unfortunately I will first apologise for my review. Having been a fan of the Havana 5 and 7 year varietys I purchased a bottle which is yet to be opened...8 years later.
Sampled in a bar on a fuzzy night.
8/10 to keep the average.