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Have you found an online vendor selling Plantation Pineapple Stiggin's Fancy?
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I'm not a big fan for flavored rums, but this one is different. The taste of pineapple is genuine, not artificial like other rums. Quite smooth and flavorful, without being overpowering. A great sipping rum all by itself, or with mixed drinks.
Ein Rum der nach Ananas schmeckt, ist mal was anderes. Der Geschmach ist toll, nicht für jeden Tag.
Der Rum ist recht süss, hat aber noch eine starke alkoholische Note.
It truly is a great dessert rum and the best, its all natural flavors.
I was hesitant to give this one a chance after recalling memories of flavored rum during my earlier years. Glad that I was able to look past that. This is a delicious rum with natural flavors of pineapple, which makes it especially suited for cocktails. Not overly sweet, with nice spice notes.
The nose of this is initially like vanilla and banana with a light essence of pineapple. The flavor of the aged rum is delicious and accented by the ingenious thought process of actually distilling it with macerated pineapple. Brilliant. Absolutely love this neat!!
Definitely took a chance on this purchase because not a fan of flavoured rims but this was a pleasant surprise. Mellow notes of toasted pineapple along with a smooth "dark" rum. Bit sweet for cola but great with a splash of Ginger. Plantation does their rums right, and this is no exception.
Amazing, pineapple infused reminds me of local Caribbean infused rums. Worked well with ginger beer too! Delish!
I'm normally not a flavored rum drinker because too many of them taste like sugary candy with all of the fake additives to try and get the taste they're after. What I like best about this rum is that the pineapple isn't forced but instead is very subtle and sneaks up on you. I enjoyed it straight and on ice but what I'm really looking forward to is using it as a mixer.
Beautiful pineapple aroma that promises a tasty sip that just doesn't deliver. Straight up its too bitter for my taste but mixed as a dark and stormy, delicious.
This is made by infusion and re-distillation, and a high quality process at that. In the end, it's still fruit-flavored rum, but a highly enjoyable one.
The nose is sweet but not overly so.
"Smells very much of fresh pineapple as opposed to sweetened tinned pineapple."
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Pineapple lovers rejoice! Not to be mixed, just enjoyed, very clean finish.