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Have you found an online vendor selling Pusser's Nelson's Blood Yachting Decanter?
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Virgin Islands, British | Aged | 47.75% ABV
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Was surprised and blown away when first tasted it .. Found it of robust, and distinct taste and aromas. Must try for sure
Herkomst: Britse Maagdeneilanden
Abv: 47,75%
Fles: Pusser's 1L Decanter (prachtig)
Een lekker pittig rummetje, je merkt de alcohol goed op :-)
Verders veel caramel en hout smaken. Niet al te zoet en een beetje droog. Lijkt wel een single malt rum.
Dit "recept" rum kregen britse matrozen van 1655 tot 1971 dagelijk bij het rantsoen.
veel suiker toegevoegd, ca. 40 gr/liter , punt minder.
The decanter this comes in is great and has a prominent place on my shelf but was incredibly annoying to open due to a heavy wax finish.
I found some good advice online (sorry can't remember where) but think I ended up melting the wax slightly with a teatowel dipped in boiling water then cutting it open and using a hoover to stop the wax going in the bottle. Not something I have any desire to repeat!
The rum gives a strong manly burn and I only drink it with ginger beer when I need a break from spiced rum.
When I've finished it I think I'll top it up with pusser's 15 yr old (which is a bit better than this in my mind).
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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I have the standard Pusser's Rum in my bar too. This one was purchased because of the impressive bottle. That is exactly what is of value with this rum, the bottle. After tasting it, it will remain on the shelf as a conversation piece.