
Plantation 2004 Grenada rum

Plantation 2004 Grenada

Multiple | Aged

11 ratings
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11 Plantation 2004 Grenada Ratings

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Swisslet 🇬🇧 | 30 ratings
Posted over 3 years ago

Very strong, almost overpowering alcohol on the nose, but softens nicely on the palate. Maybe not as much as I’d like, but the sugars and underlying sweetness come out as it warms and it’s very drinkable.

piratejabez 🇺🇸 | 321 ratings
Posted over 5 years ago

42% ABV. Boring as all get-out. A good example of what Plantation so often does wrong (though admittedly less so these days). Presumably a waste of decent rum. 6

HunterRomario 🇨🇿 | 396 ratings
Posted 8 years ago

Alkohol: 42 %
Původ: Grenada
Aroma: Ostřejší typ vůně, aroma je pikantně štiplavé, s medovou sladkostí, přezrálým ovocem, vanilkou a jen lehkým dotekem dřeva. Výrazná je tu kořenitost, pak kakao, čokoláda, ostrá lakovost. Dál se dá najít sušený banán. Zajímavý mix vůní, který mě zaujal. (90 b)
Chuť: Ve vůni byl sice ostřejší, ale na jazyku je překvapivě uhlazený. Sladkost asi 1/3. Vanilka, čokoláda, med, dub, v dochuti pak trochu vystrčí růžky hřebíček. V chuti trochu postrádá živost, kterou má ve vůni. (86 b)
Body: 88
Shrnutí: Ochutnal jsem díky českolipskému podniku Kavárna/bar Kocour, kde jsem zakoupil 60 ml vzorky pro další společnou degustaci v Hořicích u josého. Solidní pití, které rozhodně nezklamalo, ale body nahoru zde táhla spíš vůně, než chuť. Z pěti ochutnaných rumů skončil tento v tvrdé konkurenci na 4. místě.

Laurent Folichon 🇧🇪 | 36 ratings
Posted 8 years ago

Chouette découverte . Arômes complexes ( muscade, boisé et un peu minéral ). Belle longueur en bouche.

Pat Bou 🇨🇦 | 100 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Très bon rhum à prendre sur glace en bonne compagnie. Bon goût avec une belle finale!

Luc 🇨🇦 | 8 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Très bon rhum à prendre sur glace. Bon goût avec une belle finale!

Sebastian I 🇸🇪 | 14 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

One of the best plantation sippers i have tried, something in it remindes me of an agricole. Would definetly buy agan.

Chevalivier 🇨🇦 | 15 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

From the information I gathered, this rum was originally distilled in Trinidad (a swim away) and than aged in ex-bourbon casks in Grenada. This would mean it was distilled by Angostura in modern column stills.
Only thing we are certain is that the final step was the famous Plantation/ Maison Ferrand double aging process.
It is quite a light spirit, and the citrus notes are a good hint on its origin. This is a true Spanish style rum or Ron.
The nose is complex and the overall experience deserves an appropriate tulip shape tasting glass. I find myself nosing it for quite a time.
The finish is quite long and equally complex, with an unexpected thyme and herbes de provence note. We are entering mediation stuff territory.
I was recently told by the agency importing it in Quebec that this would be the last Grenada vintage for the Plantation range.
I bought another bottle.

Folharth 🇨🇦 | 69 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

Good sipper. Taste: harmonious, hints of jasmine and exotic fruits.
Finish: Long lasting.

Allan Bjerreskov 🇩🇰 | 116 ratings
Posted over 8 years ago

This is a really good rum. My only problem with it is that it doesn't stand out in any way. Good, sweet with a little oak, some dried fruit and a hint of chocolate. But I wouldn't be able to tell it apart from a lot of other rums in a blind taste.

Brand Details

Name: 2004 Grenada
Company: Plantation
Country: Multiple
Type: Aged
Yr Distilled: 2004
Raw Material: Unknown
Process: Unknown
Distillation: Unknown
Women Led: No