Velier Market Manager Kate Perry Interview (Podcast)
Published by Velier ago
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La première découverte de Port Mourant et quelle extase!!!
Rocket fuel! Цвет старого золота. В снифтер перетекает нехотя, как масло. На полной крепости пробовать бесполезно, но аромат не спиртуозен и полон тростника и карамели. С водой кусается, но наполняет комнату свежесрезанным сахарным тростником, перечной мятой, соленой карамелью с ванилью и гвоздикой. Во рту все ароматы материализуются, а послевкусие взрывается кайенским перцем. Позже во рту несколько часов царит аромат свежего коричневого маслянистого сахара. Именно аромат - ром сух как пустыня.
Published by Velier ago
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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This is the one that started my Velier adventures. It pretty much took me by suprise. First sip felt like being slapped in the face and kicked in the groin and liking it! The nose is intense. Slightly sharp and very full with tar, liquorice, nail polish and hints of sweet papaya. Fantastic! The palette has emense body with notes of tropical fruits, like mango and papaya, a bit of oak, fresh tar, and liquorice. The mineralised demerara character shines through and the rum is slightly chalky. A sip of this almost feels violent, but the rum is still rouded and balanced. Impressive considering the 65,7%vol. Great and long woody aftertaste. This is the most intense rum i've had so far. It's a rush, enjoyed in small quantities