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Have you found an online vendor selling Plantation Vintages Collection No 2 Barbados?
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At the Lei Away Rum tasting #1 on 9-1-23. Deep golden color. Aroma of honey with a bit of saffron tossed in. Upfront oak woodiness with a medium caramel sweetness. The is has a god-awful dry and burning palate. Harsh and awful finish. This rum is overrated.
UPDATE- Sampled on 6-26-24 at the Lake Loon Kill Devil Rum Club tasting event hosted by Adrienne Stoner of Planteray Rums. Did I have a head injury the last time I tasted this and gave it a "6"? I now see this as a FANTASTIC rum that I love! Spun cotton candy and salt water taffy. Cake batter aroma. I will drink ALL of it.
Tasted at Mitch e Amaro during Lei Away in North KC September 1 2023
Appearance: amber
Aroma: sweet, brown sugar, honey. Almost as sweet an aroma as baklava
Flavor: peppercorn ?!? and toffee.
This is not a smooth finish, I wonder if it needs more or less aging? Or a shorter name on the bottle? There's several Plantations I would have choose to sip over this one.
Very light on the nose. Banana foster, pineapple and oak. Super smooth and mellow for the proof. One of the few higher priced bottles worth its weight!
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Schönes sattes Bernstein mit Kupferreflektionen im Glas.
In der Nase warm und frisch. Karamellisierte gelbe Blumen neigen ihre Köpfe unter der leckeren Last. Tropische Früchte, reif und saftig, wollen auch karamellisiert werden und betteln darum. Hölzer, teilweise mit Moos überwachsen, sind schon länger von dieser klebrigen Masse ummantelt. Sanft geräucherte Gewürze und Kräuter bringen sich dezent ein.
Am Gaumen zart und hart. Ausgewogen und gleichberechtigt präsentieren sich die Aromen. Die Blumen haben sich von ihrer Last befreit und auch die tropischen Früchte haben ihren Wunsch überdenkt. Die mooslosen Hölzer behalten ihren klebrigen Mantel, Gewürze und Kräuter bleiben daran haften.
Im Abgang lang und schön. Für das Karamell ist hier endgültig Schluss, die Früchte verweilen noch etwas länger. Die Kräuter und Gewürze bleiben fast für ewig kleben.
Ein toller Bajan Rum der alle Wünsche erfüllt. Für Einsteiger, Fortgeschrittene und Geniesser.
Beautiful rich amber with copper reflections in the glass.
Warm and fresh on the nose. Caramelized yellow flowers bow their heads under the delicious load. Tropical fruits, ripe and juicy, also want to be caramelized and beg for it. Woods, partially overgrown with moss, have been coated in this sticky mass for some time. Gently smoked spices and herbs subtly introduce themselves.
On the palate, delicate and hard. Balanced and equal, the flavors present themselves. The flowers have shed their burden and the tropical fruits have also reconsidered their desire. The mossless woods keep their sticky coat, spices and herbs stick to it.
Long and lovely on the finish. It's finally over for the caramel here, the fruits linger a bit longer. The herbs and spices stick around almost forever.
A great Bajan rum that fulfills all desires. For beginners, advanced and connoisseurs.