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What a great rum! The smell is that of a soft warm tawny port. The taste is not to sweet and smooth from beginning to end. It lingers a bit and you can experience it as a small after burn.
In my opinion, this was my expectation when I tried the 15y abuelo port cask, that was gasoline. So sip this instead!
Very smooth in the mouth and throat. Actually, tastes more like a 60 proof rum because of the smoothness. Perfect sweetness. Dark fruit, oak, toffee, and buttery brown sugar flavors which all come across nicely. Long buttery finish with oak notes.
Hint: 2 drops of water open up the flavors even more with this one!
Pred časom som pil 15-ročný základ tejto dominikánskej značky, chuťovo bol veľmi príjemný. Tento mierne vyzretejší kúsok, odetý do v podstate identickej fľaše (len s tmavšou etiketou), má takmer identickú vôňu plnú hrozienok, korenín a kože, podobná je aj tmavšia farba. Chuťovo sa jedná o veľmi jemný druh, znova sladší (či rovnako sladký, to už spätne nedokážem posúdiť). Každopádne znova dominuje dub, karamel, koža a dym, ktorý ešte viac vystúpi s doznievaním. Tentokrát mi však záver prišiel citeľne dlhší, hlavný nedostatok prv uvedeného sa teda podarilo odstrániť. Jedná sa o jeden z najlepších rumov v tejto cenovej relácii, ku ktorému sa budem určite pravidelne vracať. K dokonalosti mu chýba (resp. vystáva) už len mierny nadbytok cukru, s tým by si snáď mohla poradiť 23-ročná verzia, ktorá už čaká na polici. Predbežne subjektívna poctivá osmička, nemá čím odradiť.
Classic rum, with nice smooth notes, clear color and nice combination with Habanos
I'm new to the rum (or any hard alcohol). I've got that on big sale for Xmas and it was worth every penny. Compared to my previous rum - Gosling. Very good flavor, very smooth, and above all -very long finish - you taste it 15 mins later.
Highly recommended.
Má to něco do sebe, ta lehká dřevnatá zatuchlost tu ale nepůsobí příliš ušlechtile. Ale pitelné to určitě je.
Aromatic, smooth and sweet, not too. But same afterstaste that i find depleasant on Botran 15 and 18...If some connoisseur can explain me what it is, i will be grateful.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Despite positive reviews here, I am not a big fan. It is drinkable but nothing overly enjoyable. Nice smell and pretty good taste on palette but aftertaste is awful. Combination of liquorice and caramel just doesn’t work for me.
This rum lacks authenticity and it’s in the same league as Diplomatico Reserva, all very smooth and tasty but very artificial.