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A relatively neutral nose with subtle unripe fruits like pineapple and banana. Perhaps a little hint of coconut in there as well. The palate is light, delicious and refined with a hint of the fruity notes mentioned above. Leans towards the dry side but not in a tannic way. Great refined white, is you need something that doesn't stand out to much in your cocktail. Can be had neat as well.
Excellent rum. Thoroughly enjoyed this expression. Highly recommend. Daiquiri’s made with this rum a crisp and flavorful.
Kristallklar im Glas.
In der Nase präsent und doch nicht aufdringlich. Ein frisch abgebranntes Zuckerrohrfeld, der süsse Saft karamellisiert an den Stängeln. In Vanillesauce eingelegte Hölzer und kandierte Früchte, ein paar geröstete Nüsse erweitern die Dimension.
Am Gaumen sanft und geschmeidig. Die Aromen erfreuen die Zunge und all die feinen Nuancen schweben ausgewogen darüber. Früchte und Zuckerrohr zeigen ihre besten Moves. Karamell und Vanille sitzen in der Jury. Die feine Asche, vom Feld angeweht, ist so vergänglich wie ein Traum.
Im Abgang wie ein Sonnenuntergang in der Karibik. Früchte und Karamell ziehen sich dahin die Vanille geht etwas früher. Ein lauer Sommerabend bleibt in Erinnerung.
Ein toller farbloser Rum für Drinks, auch zu pur geniessen. Für Barkeeper, Entdecker und Einsteiger.
- 4cl Muster -
Crystal clear in the glass.
In the nose present and yet not intrusive. A freshly burned sugar cane field, the sweet juice caramelizes on the stalks. Woods and candied fruits in vanilla sauce, a few roasted nuts add to the dimension.
The palate is soft and supple. The flavors delight the tongue and all the subtle nuances float balanced above. Fruits and sugar cane show their best moves. Caramel and vanilla sit on the jury. The fine ash, wafted from the field, is as fleeting as a dream.
Finishes like a Caribbean sunset. Fruits and caramel drag on the vanilla goes a bit earlier. A balmy summer evening lingers in the memory.
A great colorless rum for drinks, also to enjoy neat. For bartenders, explorers and beginners.
- 4cl sample -
Avast! As white rums go, this one be better than most! Compared with The Ship's Doctor (Real McCoy 12-year), this be a right fine rum given her "experience". On the nose, she be dainty and crisp... sweet, but not sickly sweet, with vanilla and oak. As for taste, she be smooth... not as sweet as she smells, but nowhere near dry either. Oak and caramel are on deck first, and any vanilla from before must've jumped ship. Cowards! Somewhere in the middle, there be a flash of citrus fruit, and towards the end there be a nutty flavor and a bit of spiciness. Not a lot of burn goin' down the hatch on this one. Might this be a good sippin' rum? Aye, though she not be as strong and flavorful as most sippin' rums, the subtleties in this rum might be lost when mixin' with other libations. Still, this nurse has legs, and she be ready to treat whatever be ailin' ya.
Nose: Dried fruit and fruit candy.
Pallet: Butterscotch, caramel, vanilla in droves.
Finish: More salted caramel and a touch of heat.
Worth sipping neat, or for its price, really any purpose. Fantastic.
Fantastic for mojito's and daiquiri's. Hard to find where I live.
Good mixer, nice flavors and works well as a well/standard white rum.
Tasted at Laka Lono on July 24, 2022
This was the time that Laka would up with many cases of Real McCoy.
from the notes, and these are my only notes... "WHY does this rum taste like juicy fruit gum???"
(translated, this means that Real McCoy three year needs to be in a cocktail, not neat)
Finish is longer and more spicy.
"Quite heavy on the vanilla notes but has a little beef to it."
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Reading some of these reviews, I really gotta wonder. I get no harsh initial burn, no drain cleaner taste, no hot finish - just a solid white rum with enough flavor (mostly unripe banana and coconut ) to make interesting mixed drinks but which is not unpleasant to sip. Maybe someone let their bottle sit in the sun too long? (Very bad for alcohol).