Velier Market Manager Kate Perry Interview (Podcast)
Published by Velier ago
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Quelle puissance! quelle intensité! encore un embouteillage incroyable de Velier!
So intense, so smooth despite the high %. Simply amazing! This is the KING of Demerara's for me - dark chocolate, espresso coffee, spices, molasses, respectful oak dryness in the end. Nothing like it elsewhere. One superb bottling.
powerful aromas delight your nose from the moment the bottle is opened. the taste is rich and elegant, transmuting into an astonishing aftertaste that seems to be lingering in you mouth for ages. trully delightfull although its strength, 60 degree.
Une petite douceur qui pique si on ne prends pas son temps!
un nez a faire pleurer !! Et que dire une fois en bouche, on ne ressent pas les 62 degrés tellement le cerveau est perturbé par tout ces goûts ...
Un fullproof che non aggredisce il naso ma lo avvolge e seduce!
Naso molto complesso, di frutta matura, cioccolato, spezie, cuoio, finissimo!
Anche in bocca i suoi 63 gradi sono tenuti a bada da una morbidezza eccezionale!
Finale non lunghissimo ma molto piacevole.
Soot cequocy ata cassonate.
Pilit 8/10 nolo mous "chocolate".
Une sélection de maître signée Luca Gargano & Daniele Biondi.
C'est très certainement un excellent rhum mais malheureusement le côté onctueux et le note chocolatée ne sont pas à mon goût. Très bon produit mais j'ai du mal à l'aprécier.
Published by Velier ago
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Transcendent. This is where you can blind taste people and they'll not know what to believe. If you can find a bottle for your collection- spend the money.