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I really was surprised, not much alcohol taste, mild, imple but good, maybe a bit boring. You can´t go wrong with it but you want have any wow with it neighter
I was gifted a few bottles of different Brugal varieties, and this one was just alright. Nothing particularly memorable or notable, but it was not unpleasant.
Acceptable and I'd try again when I come across it.
Je pensais ramener une excellente bouteille de la République Dominicaine, XV (15 ans) je n'aurai pas dû me fier au nom. Un rhum sans arômes, que je garde pour les mixs.
I let the label and the name convince me that I was having a bargain. Hey, I thought. A 15 year old rum for that price? The screw-top should have been a warning. Barely any aroma, nice soft sweetish taste, very light after-burn. Not that I didn't like it, but definitely not a sipping rum. Nice with some ice and a splash of soda, though.
That's exactly what this rum reminds me of. In fact, the resemblance is uncanny. Blindfolded, I couldn't tell you which was which. It's just fair, as rum goes. Not too challenging, not very complex, a little too sweet. There are many better rums out there.
Not fantastic in anyway, but not bad either. I unfortunately had it from an ordinary drinking glass, so it might not have given it the perfect treatment, but initial nose was with a very strong oily alcohol smell with a nice round vanilla tone. Sip revealed a not especially sweet rum, lots of cognac cask and fairly sharp alcohol taste. A nice after touch of vanilla followed and lingered a while. Didn't make much of a stir with me though and it might as well have been a cheap standard whiskey or brandy.
Only tried it with coke. Nice, but not exceptional.
Tilltalar mej inte särskilt som avec, som drinkblandare är gör den sej nog bättre.
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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The XV was a nice surprise to me. Brugal have tried to make a more smooth tasting rum, compared to their normal dry notes, and have done a nice job with this.