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Have you found an online vendor selling Ron Esclavo XO Cask (New bottle)?
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Dominican Republic | Aged | 65% ABV | Column Still (5+)
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Nekem ilyen egy rum, nagyon illatos, finom, picit édes, majd a végén fejbecsap a 65%-os erő.
Velvet smooth with a little kick without acid and long after taste. From the 40+ Different rums I have at home, and many more that I tasted, it’s by far the best value for money rum you can get! I haven’t tasted anything under €200 that comes close. This rum is less than €65! Other rums I like are different Zacapa rums.
65 voltů a přitom velmi jemný rum. Láhev je jen půllitrová, tak moc dlouho nevydržel.
Vůně - Sladká, cukrová třtina, karamel,
Chuť - sladká (jde cítit že je doslazovaný), silná a štiplavá chuť, med, výrazný a dlouhý závěr
Celkově - silný rum, pro nic za nic nemá 65%.
it is very special for people who used to 40% alcohol draw it will be difficult, but if you don't mind you may be pleased by the caramel ,vanilla, brown sugar, sugar juice that if offers. But for me it give too much the taste of sugar with that high degree of alcohol it is hard to detached the others aroma.
Really a good surprise
Very tasty and sweet, but the high degree of alcohol may make it difficult to taste for some people
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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I found this a really a good surprise. I was curious what this rum would do with my tastebuds because of its 65% of alcohol.
To be honest it was still tasty and sweet, but the high degree of alcohol kind of killed this taste at once leaving it to be a simple rum.