Worthy Park Export Manager Zan Kong Interview (Podcast)
Published by Worthy Park ago
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This is a great sub for traditional navy rums, packing in 54.5% ABV and colored a rich caramel mahogany hue. This is a cocktail workhorse! Great in tropical and tiki recipes calling for a dark rum, not as strong and overwhelming as OFTD (Plantation) can be, and much better bodies and tasting than Myers or Goslings .
This was originally to have been called “gunpowder proof”, but a certain litigious British brand prevented that from stealing their thunder.
Pomerne tmavý rum dofaebeny karamelom. Vo vôni cítiť estery, karamel a prezreté banány. Chuť taká klasická Jamajka. Pomerne sladsia a nie extremne výrazná. U mňa to asi bude nový favorit do koktejlov. Cena za litrovku je taktiež plus.
Asi nejlepší dark co sem měl. Dobrý samotné ale ideální do drinků. V chuti hodně karamel a trochu estery.
This is a great dark rum. Especially if you’re making drinks, this is a must. Does have a slight burn but that’s not a bad thing. Definitely adds to the profile. Pick it up
Na nose mírné estery se dřevem a výrazným karamelem z flambovaným banánem. Chuť to kopíruje. Na mně je to málo vybalancované, drinky s toho rumu famózní.
Etwas zwischen Kirschsaft und Mahagoni im Glas. Ups, ein Schuss Karamellcouleur zuviel.
In der Nase stark und düster. Stark angebranntes Karamell, angekohlte Fässer und verbrannte Kräuter sind dominant, etwas Funk im Hintergrund.
Am Gaumen kräftig und stark. Etwas bitteres Karamell und ein wenig Holz.
Im Abgang bleibt eine bittere Schärfe zurück
Ein High Proof der nicht ganz überzeugt. Für Einsteiger und Mutige.
- 2cl Muster -
Something between cherry juice and mahogany in the glass. Oops, a dash of caramel couleur too much.
Strong and gloomy on the nose. Strong burnt caramel, charred barrels and burnt herbs are dominant, some funk in the background.
Powerful and strong on the palate. Some bitter caramel and a bit of wood.
A bitter spiciness lingers in the finish.
A high proof that does not quite convince. For beginners and the brave.
- 2cl sample -
A navy-proof rum that mixes the typical navy-style molasses/burnt caramel flavor with that Jamaican fruitiness/funk. Not my thing as a sipper, but works extremely well in cocktails!
Published by Worthy Park ago
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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Dark brown colour
Nice cask finish with vanilla on the tongue
Not too funky