Worthy Park Export Manager Zan Kong Interview (Podcast)
Published by Worthy Park ago
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This is a great dark rum. Especially if you’re making drinks, this is a must. Does have a slight burn but that’s not a bad thing. Definitely adds to the profile. Pick it up
This is a direct-from-distillery blend of aged and unaged rums with some added caramel color created primarily for mixing by Worthy Park Estate. It seems to be Worthy Park’s direct answer to Smith & Cross created and released just last year, so it’s fairly new on the scene.
I am a noted Worthy Park stan, so I have been eyeing this one for my mixing collection since it’s announcement. I finally found a bottle at a local shop here in Atlanta. Before I mix with it I want to know how it measures on its own.
The nose on this rum is far simpler than any other Worthy Park rum I have had to date. It’s mainly just four notes: Sorghum Molasses, Baby Banana (the small more pungent bananas), faint Modelers Glue, and just a hint of Bacon jelly. That last note is a note I have never had on a rum before and it is interesting, but fairly faint. It took me several whiffs to pick it out. The composition on the nose is decent but a little janky. It’s pungent and pleasant but you get the feeling that something somewhere is muffled and out of synch.
The palate mostly mirrors the nose in that it once again starts with big Sorghum Molasses that turns into Banana. Following the banana I also get Cheerwine (a flavored Cherry Soda from North Carolina). There remains a significant ethanol note that lingers in on the tongue and in the throat. This rum drinks a bit hot.
The finish continues to follow generally the same themes but with a slight alteration. The finish starts with a distinct Cherry Cough Drop note and then morphs into a dry Banana note like dried Banana chips. The ethanol burn continues through the finish and the theme remains hot.
So this rum is a bit of a let down compared to my experiences with other Worthy Park rums. It is simple, hot, and that delightful, famous Worthy Park funk is massively toned down. This may be intended to compete with Smith & Cross but this is nowhere near as funky or as characterful.
It’s not a bad rum and I can certainly appreciate what they are going for but it lacks the full bodied, complex, big fruity character that I normally associate with Worthy Park distillates. Despite being bottled at 54.5% it is nowhere close to as interesting and flavorful as Hamilton Pot Still Jamaican Black, and to choose between the two is no contest: Hamilton Pot Still Jamaican Black wins by a country mile - at least as a sipper.
All that said, this rum mainly exists to mix with, and I suspect will function excellently for that purpose. As I said I can appreciate what’s going on here. It’s still better than so many other rums on the market; it just doesn’t hold up against other Worthy Park rums, mainly because of the very high standards set by that distillery. This is a fine rum, that I am sure will be more than adequate for my Mai Tais…it just lacks the funky complexity to double as a sipper like the Hamilton bottling does
Short Description: A Cambridge educated Jamaican banking lawyer with a stiff upper lip. The funk is in there somewhere deep down but it’s been heavily self suppressed in an attempt to fit in with high society.
Nose: Sorghum Molasses, Baby Banana, faint Modelers Glue, faint Bacon jelly
Palate: Sorghum Molasses, Banana, Cheerwine (Cherry soda), Ethanol
Finish: Cherry Cough Drops, Banana chips, Ethanol
ABV: 54.5%
Country of Origin: Jamaica
Distillery: Worthy Park
Jamaica-rom vokser på mig. Men den her falder absolut ikke i min smag.
Not bad at all for that young rum. Raisin flavour does not bother. Very rich and dark without sweetness. And of course, pleasantly powerful.
Zapach: rodzynki, melasa, zioła i stara skarpeta :) Naprawdę zaskakujący rum nie dla wszystkich. Smak jest zaskakujacy, intensywny oraz 100% funky - ja lubie ale wiecej jak dwa drinki nie jestem w stanie wypić. Absolutnie już jego niewielka ilość dodana do Coli dominuje całość.
I like this dark and full of sweet taste rum for creating Dark and Stormy's. Much better drinks then other brands
Der er anvendt melasse fra sukkerrør, og at rommen naturligvis også er destilleret, lagret, blended og tappet på flaske hos Worthy Park Estate. Rommen er gæret i op til 3 uger, hvilket giver ekstra meget aroma og smag, og herefter er den blevet destilleret i en double retort pot still. Det endelige blend består af både lys rom og mørk rom med forskellige "marks" og smagsprofiler. 54,5% ABV - bemærk: 1 liter.
Published by Worthy Park ago
Try to get a well lit shot from the front of the rum label
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I found WP 109 too strong and perhaps fiery to appreciate the nuances it offers. Would be.ok to mix it or prepare a grogg. I would pass if offered as a sipper again. Based on tasting a 2cl sample.